Here you'll find a list of businesses, blogs, and other sites of interest...
Lady Libby's Doll Dress Boutique

At Lady Libby's one can find one of a kind doll dresses for 18" and 16" doll.
Luv Nots: By Andi

Wonderful greeting cards in a variety styles, shapes, shades, and prints.
Liberty Seamstress

Savannah's sewing business. She does lovely work! She specializes in historical costuming...but will consider other periods. (She does do gentlemen's clothing as well.)
Edit: Currently out of business due to life. She may or may not reboot this business in the future. Time will tell...
Edit: Currently out of business due to life. She may or may not reboot this business in the future. Time will tell...
Rebel Gray Socketeer

My sock making business. It's geared toward reenactors, but one doesn't have to
be a reenactor to like a good pair of wool socks!
be a reenactor to like a good pair of wool socks!
Sparks of Reformation

My sister Savannah's blog...her thoughts tend to be more profound than mine...
Basic Gaps

How to do the GAPS diet with as little stress as possible...
Wandering Words

My younger sister's blog. When she does post, it's usually great! :)
Freedom's Light Films

My film production company's official website!
Sons of the Remnant

Two brothers encourage young men to be godly young men. Be encouraged!
Thine is the Kingdom

The thoughts of young composer on everything from music and movies to family
relationships and theology. While I don't agree with him on everything, I find
that much of what he says is encouraging.
relationships and theology. While I don't agree with him on everything, I find
that much of what he says is encouraging.
Reformed Reviews

A blog for book and movie reviews written by yours truely...
A Gray Kepi

A story I's on my old blog in blog form--maybe not the best for reading in order.
James and Burke

I am still working on this story. It too is in blog format. (You can find some great pictures on this one.)
The Cow Cavalry

My film now has it's own website!
The War Between the States: A Journal

A day-by-day journey through the War Between the States...told via the letters of fictitious characters!
Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Phillip Kayser's December 25 Jewish Style Volume One:
The Ancient Jewish Celebration Anticipating the Birth of
A great little read...whether you agree with the premise or not!
The Ancient Jewish Celebration Anticipating the Birth of
A great little read...whether you agree with the premise or not!