Not sure...but for me, it's my state of being right now.
However, I have bees on order that should arrive in May. I could have got some sooner than that, but I would have actually paid more for only two packages than the way I'm going--getting three through my younger "brother" in a neighboring state who started beekeeping last year. He wintered his single hive successfully and is going to need to split it come full blown spring I suspect.
It's about time for me to really prep myself (my mindset) for this year's beekeeping adventure. I am feeling so much better and I can actually think ahead and I am hoping that this year will be a better year because I'm more aware of what is going on. Of course, Josiah is going to keep me on my toes. :D This may be my fifth year keeping bees, but that young man know more than I do about bees because he's done far more reading, attended conferences, I'm going to try to swallow my pride and learn from him.
So this section will be quiet as a dead bee-hive until mid-May...see you then!