I still cannot determine whether or not I have brood. I did however spot the queen today!
More than that, she took a tumble off the frame I was observing to land at my feet! I sure am glad I double checked that particular insect. I scooped her up on my hive tool and put her back on the frame. Immediately she was surrounded and went about taking the 'homage' of the workers. I was hoping that I might see her lay an egg, but she seemed more pre-occupied with something else at the moment.
The amount of comb still grows in the hive and several of the frames are getting rather heavy with honey, even though they are not quite half filled in with comb. The last couple of times I have gotten into the hive, I have had to damage a little of the comb in order to lift out the frames, leaving honey dripping down it. The bees gather round and get to work on it even while I'm still holding the frame. It's really kind of neat.
Today I went into the hive with only gloves on for extra protection; my shirt was sleeveless--and I might have had a bee walking up the back of my arm, but I couldn't really tell; it might have just been one of those little gnats that get on sweaty people. Either way, I just held still and pretended like it didn't tickle. I'm thankful that, so far, the bees seem to be really docile and know that I don't intend on hurting them.
Hopefully I can say for sure soon whether or not I have any brood...
More than that, she took a tumble off the frame I was observing to land at my feet! I sure am glad I double checked that particular insect. I scooped her up on my hive tool and put her back on the frame. Immediately she was surrounded and went about taking the 'homage' of the workers. I was hoping that I might see her lay an egg, but she seemed more pre-occupied with something else at the moment.
The amount of comb still grows in the hive and several of the frames are getting rather heavy with honey, even though they are not quite half filled in with comb. The last couple of times I have gotten into the hive, I have had to damage a little of the comb in order to lift out the frames, leaving honey dripping down it. The bees gather round and get to work on it even while I'm still holding the frame. It's really kind of neat.
Today I went into the hive with only gloves on for extra protection; my shirt was sleeveless--and I might have had a bee walking up the back of my arm, but I couldn't really tell; it might have just been one of those little gnats that get on sweaty people. Either way, I just held still and pretended like it didn't tickle. I'm thankful that, so far, the bees seem to be really docile and know that I don't intend on hurting them.
Hopefully I can say for sure soon whether or not I have any brood...