The information she imparted was that my new chickens (the hatchery replaced them ALL!!) had arrived. They were in the back seat of the car at that moment. Apparently the Post Office had called at 5:30 and Daddy went and got them. As I crawled out of bed, I saw that it 6:30. I normally get up someplace between 7 and 7:30, so it wasn't drastically early, though I definitely wasn't ready to get up because I hadn't finished my "ease out" as I call the way I wake up.
I scrambled into my "chicken-clothes" and helped Daddy rig up the second brooder box--literally a card-board box. It required a little cutting and taping, but the end result is fine.
Because there were so many (102 or 103 depending on if I actually messed up the count that once), I put some of the new ones, Red Rangers (rather than the Black Rangers) in with the Black ones. That was hilarious, because the black ones (a week old--I count from the day I got them rather than the day they were actually hatched--which would probably be Wednesday the 22nd) were all bunched up at one end and when I plopped that first Red in (yes, they are actually yellow at this stage of the game), they all went (figuratively), "Eeee!!! What is that!!" The Reds just plowed in and made themselves quite at home.
Katherine whipped up some Rice Crispy squares (people do like their licky-chewy's you know) all the while saying, "I hate making these..." I don't really see why, but she doesn't enjoy the processes for some reason. :D I should have said, "Here you make the brownies and let me make the rice crispies..." Oh well...
I managed to puncture the bottom of my heel with a screw this morning. It's inevitable, I must puncture myself at least once a year! It bled a bit, but quit bothering me rather shortly afterwards.
Well, my coffee is gone and the dishes need washing and I need to get to work on more rompers. I'm trying to get a decent stack made up before Remembering WWII. (We are going as vendors again.) I have a few made, but I'm trying to specialize in ones that actually look authentic...this is my first one using modified modern patterns:
I have a minor problem which I have decided to go ahead and fix--one of the buttonholes is really quite tight. I'll have to rip it out (or part of it) and redo it. I did all the buttonholes by hand since my machined holes are always rotten and I like doing handwork.
Anyway, I was getting off of here...