Enter my sardine tin.
I had sardines for lunch. Abby loves fish...and throughout the meal she spent a largish portion of her time around me. As I was finishing, she even was stretched across the gap between the back of my chair and the plant/cat stand in front of the window, front paws on the back of my chair, nose in my hair.
Well, I got finished, picked up my plate and my tin and headed for the kitchen. Abby was by my side. About the time I reached the doorway, she let out a loud, high-pitched "yee-ow!"
She wanted that sardine juice...and she got it. She hasn't eaten it all, but I imagine it'll decrease in quantity over the course of the day. (I generally feed the stuff to my cats, but Abby was so pitiful! :P)
So, there is the humourous cat story for the day. :)