Anyway, I went trolling through old blog posts in an attempt to settle the question as to when I broke those bones. The first, my wrist, was on December 7th. I remembered that because it was Pearl Harbor Day and we were planning on watching Tora!Tora!Tora! that evening--but by the time we got out of the ER (at 9 PM!!) it was too late. Problem was, I thought it was '10--but it was actually '11.
Then, I simply could not remember when I fractured my collar bone (thanks, Snip! ;] ), so I kept looking...and looking...and looking. Finally, I found it. August 2012. I only found it as quickly as I did because I suddenly remembered that I had the accident the day before a brother's wedding! That cleared things up fast.
At anyrate, in the process, I was looking at pictures and I blurted: "Man! I was fat!"
I didn't realize how "puffy" I was looking:
I have definitely lost 5-10 pounds (depending on the day ;D) ...but then again I'm eating a little more balanced diet. 2013 I had no idea that I had Lyme. As of 2016, I can't really say that I'm feeling better--but I think that I'm climbing out of the hole.
I think I am eating better. I take supplements now that I didn't then. I certainly don't get near as much exercise (oh, Spring! how I look forward to you! And hopefully, I will be able to work twice as hard as last year--last year was a bad one for physical labor). I think my hormones are balanced out better (maybe). I'm detoxing and killing and detoxing. Life is getting better even if I don't always think so. I have had, the past two weeks, several bad days (in fact, I spent the day in bed yesterday), but I am having less of them and less severe. (Correct me if I'm wrong, mi see me when I'm oblivious to life!)
I must say that after going through loads of posts and pictures which referenced my horse, I kind of miss my Snip. He'd be an awful handful now on more than one front, but oh well. I just won't spend anytime being blue. :)
Anyway...the comparison of my genetically-double-chinned face was startling. I look better, if nothing else! :D