Now...I just saw the other day where the black students of a university were calling for SEGREGATION. Interesting...
I kind of have to ask--who are the racists in this case? Why have Americans, regardless of their skin pigmentation, allowed politicians to bully and cow them into these white/black lines? Why am I supposed to feel "white guilt" just because 150 years ago my grandfather owned slaves? Scripture says that the sin of the father is not to be visited upon the children (assuming that slave holding is sin). I hold no hard feelings against black people...they, like myself, are created in the image of God with a soul. They are sinners no worse than I.
Why have we allowed ourselves to be pitted against one another in a battle of race? We are all one race even if our skin is different hues.
Why do we allow the socialist to use this race/class warfare to drive wedges and split the country?
On one front I miss my old church in Florida...we were a "mixed" congregation. The blacks and the whites got along famously. I still burst into laughter any time I think of brother Andre's huge, contagious smile and equally big laugh. We were family and that is how it's supposed to be.
So why do we--even in the church, cower and tremble? We need to stand both with and against people of color the EXACT SAME WAY we stand both with and against those of our own pale skin. When righteousness is done, they need to be encouraged, when evil is done, they need to be discouraged--just like white people...or Latinos or Asians or get the picture. Each of us is held to the standard of God's Law. That's the only thing that should really separate people, do they, or do they not strive to obey Him?
It's not about color, it's about faith in Christ Jesus. We can only have unity in families, in nations, in neighborhoods, in churches through a unified desire to live unto the glory of God.
Thus concludes my Monday's sermon....