I was doing that all afternoon, on and off (though not as severely as I have done in the past). Anyway, those sneezes are really hard and uncontrollable. On the one had, sneezes and runny-noses are a nuisance, but on the other, if I cast my mind back to when I studied biology in high school, it's fascinating to know that one sneezes and has a runny-nose because of the way God created our olfactory feature--commonly called a "nose" in English. ;)
Well, I was learning how to "make dirt" (aka compost). I picked up the grass clippings from yesterday's mow job (pats herself on the back--ha!) and layered them with a little wood chip/wood compost dirt, old horse manure (one version of "black gold"), and straw. It has to sit for I don't know how long (how long, Mum? since I forgot to ask earlier), then it gets stirred. That's going to be an adventure in and of itself...
After I was done with that, I weeded the same bean row that I had filled in the gaps in yesterday. I had a full afternoon yesterday, good and enjoyable.
I started by hauling some boxes of dirt down from the top of the hill (it's not really a hill [I got to thinking about this this afternoon because I was remembering Chickamauga--now those are hills]) and planting cucumbers in them. After that I planted some basil...I nearly lost all the seeds all over the ground because I opened the package with a little too much vigor. (Anybody surprised? :D)
Once I did that, then I went and re-planted those Cantare green beans (some French variety) I mentioned earlier.
THEN I started mowing...and got it all done.
But...it's time for supper, so I had better scoot! I'm hungry! (What's new?)