You see, I haven't been feeling well quite a bit lately and when I'm foggy-headed and doping and dull there is a) not much to write about and b) I'm fairly in capable of writing interesting blog posts.
Hmm, so where to pick up? I'll run you quickly through last week, starting Sunday.
Sunday we went to church and I probably embarrassed some of the young men when I described the reaction to getting fireants up one's pants. I've never stood in an ant pile that long in my jeans, but...anyway. We may blame Miss Amanda for that tale--she is the one who brought the nasty little red biters up, afterall. ;)
Anyway, I had crashed by the time we left...and I stayed crashed Monday...and Tuesday.
Wednesday afternoon we headed east for our next morning's doctor appointment.
Thursday we were seen by Dr. Ritchie and due to the proximity of Savannah's wedding, she advised that I completely go off my killers until after the wedding and then go back on them, at less dosage, afterwards. Okee-dokie. So I'm just detoxing for the next little bit.
I re-crashed on the drive home...and stayed crashed until Saturday.
I forget what I did Saturday, but I remember that I felt decent and was able to "do".
Oh...and someplace during all the above, I did manage to do a little scribbling on my "dystopia". I'm not sure I'm 100% satisfied with the name, so I'll not share it yet. :) I have a tense situation open-ended over here on my clip-board. Trains and mobs, more or less...ahem.
Sunday was church again and I forgot my notebook. Oh well. I didn't have to hold the wall up this week either....
Monday, I spent primarily cross-legged in my recliner, stitching the satin layer of my bridesmaid dress's hem. Don't ask me what else I did. I couldn't tell you.
Tuesday was spent in much the same fashion--only I was stitching the organza layer. That took quite a bit longer and that is ALL I did.
Today, I started out with pins, needle, and thread hemming the sleeves of both mine and Katherine's dresses. Then I traded them in for wood glue and a rubber mallet for a little daddy-daughter time constructing my new bee hives.
Two hive bodies, two medium supers, and thirty-six frames. Glue and a pounding. :) Daddy screwed the bee boxes together this time rather than me nailing them. It took a lot less time, that's for sure.
My bees are supposed to arrive next Tuesday and I'm eagerly awaiting them! I just hope I'm not feeling like a regular old slug then...
Yesterday was Katherine's birthday--and I didn't even give her a card. :( BUT...I did wash up dishes for her! *cheesy grimace*'s something..........................
Well, I have to scram!!