It was raining, which put a damper on the proposed shooting expedition for the day. As it turns out, it was probably better that way because Daddy had a headache all day. I satisfied myself by taking a few minutes in the middle of the afternoon to rack the bolt on my rifle and squint down the barrel. I am trying to learn how to shoot with both eyes open (or mostly open), so I practiced sighting in that fashion. I probably would have landed lead on paper in the process had I actually been firing, but I doubt it would have been overly accurate.
Instead of exploring the world of guns, powder, explosions, and re-training of eyeballs, I turned to a far more staid pursuit--and didn't get too far into that. I am stitching up a dress (okay, so some folks would call it a "costume") for the Reformation Day event next weekend. Savannah fitted me for the bodice, I cut out and sewed the fit. So I cut out and sewed up the bodice of the actually garment. I ended up taking a little extra out of the arm-holes so I wouldn't be bound under the arms. I am rather picky about stuff being too tight in the arm holes.
Well, anyway, I did not get the bodice actually finished because I did not have the needed metal loops (we'll call them that for lack of a better name). Mama did get them at Jo-Ann's later in the day when she and Daddy went to town for a new dryer...but I'll get there in a minute. I was going to go ahead and make the skirt, but I forget why I didn't do that. I think I wanted to Savannah to help me and I didn't exactly ask her, for some reason, and instead I did something else...which I cannot remember.
But, back to the dryer. Yesterday the old dryer, which Mama disliked to begin with, died. Stinky electrical smell and all. Today, Daddy decided that they ought to go get a new one. So, they set out sometime after 4 o'clock, shortly after I gave up the idea of making myself a narrower wrist brace. We didn't have any velcro that was wide enough to allow much adjustabilty.
While they were gone, I went about prepping for the ousting of Dryer the Elder and the establishment of Dryer the Younger. The long and the short of that was that I cleaned the bathroom and the hallway (to a degree) and shoved the old dryer out into the hall. Abby came to "help" and ended up a bit spooked with the dryer shoving...still, she stuck around with her usual curiosity over odd behavior.
From there I drifted into the garage and widened the path, swept a little, and even beat a few rugs.
When I got done there, I came in, settled down in front of my computer and addresses a business "problem" via a Skype conversation with Savannah. (Yes, we are a little odd like that at times. We live in the same house, but conduct conversations via our fingertips. To be honest though, I didn't actually intend on bothering her very long as I knew she was working on a paper.)
About the same time we'd figured out the solution to the question, she came down to make supper (Mexican salad!), and Mama and Daddy got home with Dryer the Younger and the necessary items to finish my bodice.
I helped with the removal and installation process of the dryers. I even got to use a driver! ;)
Supper was tasty and we ate all the food on the table except for some of the beans. The expression on Mama's face was somewhat humorous...though somehow, I don't think it elicited the laughter that this one did!
Katherine also made sure I got a little something (I really wasn't expecting anything, which would have been fine. I have had so many "big" birthdays over the years that small ones are fine.) She is SO good about birthdays and such, unlike her less fore-thoughtful older sister...
Keep laughing, y'all!