That being the case, you will find it hardly surprising that the task I set myself for the day did not get completed. For that matter, it didn't even get started. As a wise man once said (roughly), "One must learn to use the magic word, 'No'."
Still for all that, I did manage to put some books that are going to Goodwill into boxes and put those two end-table thingys that came from Granddaddy's house together. Only to discover that, "Oh, I was going to paint those..." Oh. Anyway though, all in all, Mama didn't mind that I had put them together. This way they aren't floating around in pieces in various boxes...AND it got the table parts out of the chairs. :D
I forced myself to wash the lunch dishes. It's pretty much true when I jokingly say, "I am able to wash dishes--even when I feel terrible!" Still, it took me repeating to myself, "I do have enough gumption to wash those dishes" a few times before I actually got it done.
After that...I can't really remember what I did....
S0, the long and short of it is that I did yesterday's task today...rearranging my bedroom bookshelves! My War Between the States library got moved from the side that my clothes rack shadows to make it more accessible. I also added some of the books I had in a box as well as my newly acquired ones. I found a few that I had been looking for in a drawer in my desk, so I put them there to. (Railroad War...there you are!! I didn't think it was in Florida...) Come to think of it, I have even more in another drawer. I use those though for research purposes frequently enough.
I ended up bringing down a couple of stacks of books (sorry, Mama!!) that I took off my shelf. I of course left my Douglas Bond's up there--all seven of the ones I own--and my old Detective Book Club books. Then of course there are the short story books I still occasionally pull off and read when I don't feel good. Previous generations children's literature was at least half-way decent. They actually knew how to use words. But I digress.
In the process of shifting books, I also ended up dusting three pieces of furniture (now why didn't I go ahead and do the rest??), hanging my Norman Rockwell pictures that I got for Christmas (thanks for your help, Savannah!!), going through my "reenacting box", and emptying and repacking the top drawer in my dresser. It's a whole lot more practical now. It is good when I clean up with the "get rid of--don't be sentimental" attitude.
Oh, I just remembered something I did yesterday, but it's related, so bear with me. I used to keep my Third National folded up on the bookshelf, since I didn't have a place for it. Well, yesterday afternoon, I decided, since I haven't any curtains at this precise moment (I forget why exactly), that I would utilize the old curtain bar hooks up at the top to hang my flag. As it turns out, the hooks are set too wide to hang the flag vertically (which I didn't really want to do for two reasons: 1] I'm up North and 2] my cats would put holes in it), so I managed to hang it horizontally, rather like a bunting. I would take a photograph and put it up, only I have yet to locate my mother's camera since she's been home. Not that I have looked overly hard, either.
As seems to be the case when I get to house cleaning, by the time I was done with my room, putting clean sheets on, cleaning the bathroom and the heels had begun to hurt. I guess it must be my flat footed-ness...though Grandpa might suggest heel-spurs. NOT something I really would like to seriously consider. But, now that I've sat here for a little while, I think I'll probably get by without a heel induced limp like I had a few days ago. :)
The chickens will need feeding in a few minutes, so I'll go ahead and sign off...