Maybe I ought to preface any further chit-chat with the mysterious sounding line: I am the only woman at home. ;D No, really, Mama and Katherine left yesterday morning to go "recover" Savannah from the east coast, so I am in charge of the cooking and cleaning...and yes, let's not forget that sewing I'm still doing.
Anyway, yesterday I caught up with the laundry (!)--minus the stuff that just isn't enough to justify running the water into the machine. I cleaned up the mudroom some (in other words, I swept it and grabbed a washcloth and cleaned the strange sticky substance off the floor). I cleaned up and packaged eight dozen eggs (no, more actually...I forgot about the ones I had to pack for M and KT to take to the S's). I fed chickens (duh)...and nearly broke my ankle.
At least, I had the sense that I nearly broke my ankle. See, I came barging down the basement steps with my feed buckets and I somehow managed to miss the last step. Once I got to thinking about it, I think I was subconsciously avoiding the iron skillets on that bottom step. Anyway, I didn't fall (thankfully, or else I would have not only spilled chicken feed all over the place, but I very well may have busted my head open on the pipes running along the wall and maybe even broken some jars), but I landed with most of my weight through my right foot. Yes, the right one; that's my weak ankle. Anyway, it jarred pretty hard. It didn't actually hurt (as in shooting pain), but it didn't feel good. My ankle was stiff for the rest of the day (still is a little) and the top of my foot still hurts. I'm gimping worse than ever. I really need to go to the chiropractor to get my leg lengthened back out again.
I cleaned the kitchen and cooked (duh again). I vacuumed the living room and dining room thoroughly. I did some odd straightening. I did a little writing. And...I finished the commissioned baby stuff!!
Today I completed a few other small tasks--the pumpkin for one. Daddy helped with that. He also made breakfast (for him and Granddaddy; I just had left over mustard greens with my fried eggs) while I tromped out and fed chickens and gathered eggs. I cleaned up the bathroom some. I vacuumed the kitchen (I didn't do it last night for two reasons--1: I didn't want to disturb Granddaddy and 2: I figured since someone was supposed to come over today [cancelled; probably because of the rain and the planned activity don't go together] that it would look better if I vacuumed this morning.) I fed my chickens (boy, that's getting as monotonous as "I did the dishes", isn't it? :D) I folded laundry...I took laundry to the respective rooms in which it belonged.
And here I am going to take minor break from this post. I will complete it later...once I get done with another bit of "buzzing" about! a couple of hours.
Well, I got Grandma's bedroom window, ceiling fan, and closet mirrors cleaned up. I cleaned the toilet too, even though she hadn't had that on the itinerary.
Once I was finished in the apartment, I fed chickens again. I cannot remember the exact order of everything after that. I know I put the rabbit on for supper--but then Daddy decided he would attend the Legion dinner if I thought I could handle Granddaddy by myself for a while. I did. I had to give him an ear-full (stern, but not grouchy) about leaving his "sleeves" (literally) on...but as I found later he already had the gauze pulled down past his elbow on his left arm. (His hand slipped on the chair which proceeded to gouge a hole in his arm.) But anyway, while he would not put the right sleeve back on, he agreed to leave the left one on. And he did until Daddy came home and got all his bandages changed up. Granddaddy is what one calls a "picker". He simply cannot leave bandages (or IV's if in the hospital) alone.
I got started on my next sewing project...the fabric is really nice...but I'll just leave you hanging on that for now. :) If I hadn't had to stop for chickens, dinner, dishes, and yes, being a naggy old cluck-hen at Granddaddy, I might have been able to get all the machine work done. However, I decided not to push the issue. I would rather do a good job than a so-so job because I had split attention.
It occurs to me that I have not gotten my Civil War post up yet today...I shall go remedy that as soon as I get this one posted.