Anyway, I discovered that the big 'yaller' dog at Bryan's has a name (duh, of course!) It suit him real well too--Willie. :) Willie has marked my truck tire's before. :P I bought some more "goop" (Nu-Stock) and told Mr. Scott that it's great on pecked up chickens. He said, "That's good to know."
I headed off to Smith's and the only dumb thing I did there was drive around to the back without waiting for the guy behind the counter (I think he may have COPD or something like that--he's a rather large man and he wheezes some) to put my calf milk in the truck. I totally forgot about it. He called out to the warehouse and told the 'boys' (Drummer Dude and Redneck 3) to tell me that he'd bring it out. Well, Drummer Dude didn't tell me, but probably because he realized that I'd heard--one can't help hearing as loud as that speaker it. They loaded up the truck and I left once the calf milk was safely in the back of the truck.
I was going to mow our place, but I thought it might rain so I didn't. Instead of riding Snip, which I could have done, I finished mowing over here. It didn't take overly long since I was almost done when I ran out of gas Friday evening. I would have finished it then, even though we had company coming, but once that thing gets heated up and either gets turned off or runs out of gas, you can't crank it back up. I don't exactly understand why...
I spent most of the remainder of the day building a website which I don't even know if it will ever get published. I have to ask Mr. Joe what he thinks as he is the 1st Florida Reserves and Civilians commander...and the site is for them (ahem, us.) I really had a great time putting it together, so I hope he'll give me the go ahead. I rather think he will...
Today (is it really only Tuesday??) we had another one of those moments--"Savannah! I have roosters out!" It was only eight this time--not counting the dead one (looks like the coon broke in through the back). The first one I caught fairly easily as I was observing the escape hatch. He is really the only one who isn't over scared of me. I poked him under my arm and when Savannah came out she unhooked the hen coop and I put him in there. I wanted to keep a second rooster (other than poor ol' Tail-less who may keel over and die; he's undersized and his rear isn't quite as healthy as it should be); so I figured the most tame one would be best.
Most of the roosters aren't quite heavy enough to butcher. I mean, I could butcher them, but they can still get a little bigger. Anyway, after dashing around after them--I think we discovered the best way to do it--just run them ragged; I finally caught them all. Also, if you can get them down in the middle of a soda apple, they'll hunker down. I got two of them like that. With no gloves on...but I didn't really get scratched up. What was worse was when I made a grab for one and all I came away with was fire weed between my fingers. Thankfully, it was small patch because that stuff burns like crazy! (Hence the name.)
After eating my breakfast, I put on my petticoats and Savannah got a skirt measurement for my new dress. Then I returned to britches, strapped on my pistol, and grabbed my gear. By the time I got Snip saddled up, it was already past 10:30, so I knew the ride would be a short one. I determined to make it a good one. I started out working on turns at a trot. From there, I tried to get him into a lope. He probably would have loped only as he kept trying to drift one way or the other to go visit the cows under the trees, I had to keep playing with the reins--which means he was getting some pull on his mouth.
Eventually, we did lope--after I took him out on the runway and let him have his head; to a very controlled extent. I'm going to work with him out there a bit more I think--it's a longer straight shot than anywhere else on the place. I finally put my problem into words.
I'm scared.
Not so much of the speed, though there is some of that, but because I cannot trust Snip to act like he should. He knows--I am sure of this--how he ought to behave; but he gets to having so much fun that he starts acting up. I'm scared to let him get past a slow lope. I have proved to myself multiple times that I can stay on him when he bucks from that speed. (It still isn't any fun.) I honestly think that I would not stand much of a chance if he bucked from a speed much faster. I have watched him in the pasture, I have ridden him, I know him...he will buck if I go any faster. It isn't because he's trying to loose me, but because he's young, strong, and it feels good to kick up his heels (I don't know about anybody else, but I sometimes have that reaction myself and will jump over stuff simply because it feels good). At this point, I don't know really what else to do but keep doing what I'm doing. Ride him...keep strengthing my on obedience...and slam him down as hard as I can whenever he bucks. I was talking to Granddaddy the other day and the general consensus was that at this point, I just have to be more stubborn than the horse. I cannot surrender anything to him. I must win this. Lord willing, I will win this. So what I'm scared? Keep riding...I have learned to feel the bucking coming...keep working...keep getting back on when I do slide off...never let the horse know that you're scared of him tossing you and breaking your neck. Never. Though my insides where tight this morning out on the runway, my hands and knees were steady. Snip did buck very slightly once. I could tell it was coming because he had started to weave a bit and was fighting me a little.
Shucks. One of the reasons I'm scared of falling off is breaking something so I can't ride for a month or so! I am know, the kind where you set your jaw and lift your chin a little and barge ahead come what may. SOOO...look out Snip; your 'little girl' is going to fully break you yet. :)
After lunch, I separated a 10 pound 'log' of hamburger into separate bags and stuffed it all into the freezer. Then I went out, fed Charlotte, came in, and changed so Savannah could fit my dress. While it is clear that my corset needs to be cinched a hair tighter to get it buttoned, I am 100% and totally thrilled with my new outfit! I'll post pictures once we have some. She's been working hard on it the last day and half because it has to be done by tonight as we'll be wearing our new dresses tomorrow morning to a Confederate wedding! I'll try to post pictures of that too. We never did get an 'official' wedding inviation, but Mrs. A told us that we were invited and I haven't seen the bride since before then and I think the groom only once. His parents are not well, so that's why everything has been so 'on the fly' in regards to the actual date. I'm quite looking forward to it.
I think I may go and play my instruments now...after I get a snack...I'm hungry...