However, due to circumstances, it became necessary to dismantle the A-frame coop. The fellas helped with that. Then we started working on the construction of the new "nesting box coop". We didn't get finished, but we did get the frame constructed. I really did most of the work, but that's okay because I'm the 'forewoman'...and besides that, I know what I'm after, having planned the thing.
I rode Snip this morning, then a short trot down the drive to check the mail after lunch, and then before supper (both equine and human), I took Philip for a short ride. The reason for all this riding...Snip is getting a new sort of training. We'll call it 'boredom' training. On top of the riding, I'm leaving Snip tied up all day (making sure he gets some water occasionally). It's a different kind of discipline...and it sure isn't his favorite. He has the base of the tree I'm tying him to all pawed up....