Anyway, Monday was Epiphany ("Little Christmas"). As you know, we didn't actually do Christmas this year because Daddy wasn't here and so we pushed it all back. We waited until Granddaddy went down for his afternoon nap before we got started opening gifts. Before he went to bed, Savannah started playing hymns on the piano and all the ladies decided to sing. Well, I ran into a little bit of trouble there with my congestion. I simply couldn't without hacking after half a line--so I compromised. First I started out by grabbing a couple of old, short, very used pencils and tapped out time with them on a stool. Mama then braved the cold office room and got my bodhran (she offered to get my guitar, but when I'm out of practice, I really have trouble keeping up with Savannah). I think I did alright on it for not playing much at all and being a long time since I last tried. It was a lot of fun.
As we started to open our gifts, we enjoyed a very fine piece of cake...and afterwards, we had eggnog! (I'm rather fond of eggnog.)
After Granddaddy got up, we gave him his things--a couple of warm shirts! He was rather pleased...I could tell. :)
I won't go into all the gory details about what everyone got--but you can get a sampling from the slideshow below! (I was working with three cameras here so that's why things aren't in any particular order.)