Mama had spent the majority of the morning sitting beside him after she fed him breakfast. She had taken his blood pressure and it was very low 70-something over 50-something and his breathing was rather gargling sounding.
When Daddy and I were bringing in firewood earlier this morning, he remarked, "I think Dad is dying." After coming in, I sat and played my guitar for awhile. It was about 12:30 when I remembered I needed to feed my chickens and it was when I went to the back part of the house in preparation for doing so that Mama told me, "I think Granddaddy is gone."
I passed the word up the stairs and went out to feed my chickens while Daddy called the hospice folks. Nurse April arrived as I was going in and as I took my jacket off, I could tell from her talk that Granddaddy was indeed gone.
The ensuing hour and a half was filled with telephone calls and hospice follow up things. About 1:30, the local funeral home removed the earthly remains of my grandfather. Daddy and I helped to place him on the gurney. I volunteered for that because I wanted to do it. (The only funny part about the funeral home folks was the fact that cousin Bob was one of the two men. I had forgotten he worked at the funeral home and Mama had her reaction, "I know you!" was a bit amusing. Bob is a very sweet gentleman...)
The rented supplies are in the process of being removed from the house.
From here I am not exactly sure what is going on. Daddy must inform Granddaddy's sisters and his siblings...and cousin Butch. We have to decided who all is going to Florida (we can't all go because of Grandma and Grandpa) for the funeral...and multiple other things.
Life is shifting up again. This chapter is nearly closed.