I wonder sometimes how long a particular "symptom" has been going on and I haven't really noticed it--until it gets bad. My particular topic of thought this time has to do with my stomach. I wonder, how long have I been ignoring these times of stomach burning, passing it off for my 'hunger-burn'? Was I fighting this while still in Florida?
Probably yes. The first time I can put the pains on the calender though, was mid-September at the Chickamauga reenactment (that's not exactly true, I had similiar pains at Brooksville, come to think of it). Even then, I chalked it up to "not-enough food and irregular feeding times" (not to mention a jaw so dasterdly that I could barely open it wide enough to poke food into, much less chew painlessly). It passed.
Then came that long awaited, de-lightful weekend in Illinois at the Reformation Day Faire. I tried not to complain (since who wants to listen to someone moaning), but my insides hated me that weekend (but for all that, I did have a ball). True, I wasn't eating regular, but it wasn't just my normal somewhat upset stomach. That was made doubly evident when it took me a good three days after we got home for my stomach to quit hurting--even with regular meals and snacks.
Since then, I've been paying much better attention to the state of my stomach. I get these burns (though with regular meal times less severe than the above mentioned) pretty regularly. Eating doesn't actually make them go away completely, but it sure helps relieve some of it as it gives my stomach juices something else to work on. It's not like acid reflux either...I never have heartburn.
Anyway, this whole post was prompted in part by my remark to Mama (who was in the process of making lunch) this morning. As I sawed myself off a slice of coconut bread to munch on (forget that lunch would be ready in 30 minutes!), I said, "I'm going to end up being like one of those people with hypoglycemia...I'll have to carry something to snack on with me everywhere I go!" (I guess to an extent I already do this--some of those in my family do best to eat every two hours--at least.)
I guess it's a good thing I like food. :)