I woke up (of course...or I wouldn't be writing this). The time was more or less normal ('round 7 a.m. give or take 10 to 20 minutes).
I drank my coffee and read my Bible and by 9 a.m. I was dressed and booted...and scrounging about in the brooder coop setting up for the chicks that I expected to arrive this morning; only I didn't put the bedding in. All before breakfast. Believe me, I was ready for my eggs, onions, and left over Navy bean mush mess. It was delightful...Bear with my food raptures...I haven't had supper yet and it's practically 8:30.
The morning was spent in various activities readying folks for the market this afternoon. That and rushing around to settle my chicks who did come this morning, without prior warning from the Post Office (last time they called first). In other words, I had to put the bedding in with a box of loud peepers making a racket in my ears. Sometimes I think my ears are more sensitive than they used to be to loud noises (Lyme maybe? Dunno--the thing on the symptom list is "decreased hearing"...) It really, really got loud after I took the lid off the box and had about half of them in the brooder where the "cheeps!" echoed off the walls adding to the din.
I counted 53 birds. The packaging said 51. So I'm happy. So far, I haven't had any dead ones even though...well, that's a story for later on.
Among the other things I did this morning was trying to keep up with the dishes, making some pie shells (those pies squeaked out of the oven literally as folks were walking out the door), throwing up a quick, short, blog post, sticking labels on honey and hot blueberry jam, packing the truck, straightening a few things in a few places, eating a quick snack to pack down my irritation (I get irritable when too hungry), and all around trying not to stroll around doing nothing and being in the way.
By the time we ate lunch (2:15 for the three at home), I was ready for it and my coffee afterwards. Daddy kindly washed the dishes after lunch while I straightened my computer area and took some stuff upstairs that really needed to go up.
I tackled a load of laundry and the bathroom next...the bathroom needed it. While I was cleaning the floor, Sherry (our favorite hospice lady) came and gave Granddaddy his Friday bath.
{Supper Break}
Ah...Lentils with fresh kraut mixed in is one of my favorite meals. :)
Anyway, back to the details of the day...I poked along and made some more pie shells (trying to stock up for the next two weeks--the last two Farmer's Markets). I was going to try to make enough for all five markets (tomorrow and the four the following two weeks), but I ran out of flour. Katherine made a bread while I was doing that too--we left less than a full cup of flour.
A little later, Mama called to inform us that she had sold both pies...so Daddy cut the pumpkin and I got it stuffed into the Conservo. Then I popped out to check on my chicks.
One was upside down in the water. I thought he was dead, so I reached in, picked him up and was going to head out and toss him into the cornfield. But...he wiggled! So, I held him under the heat lamp for a bit and he opened his eyes and then closed them again.
Cupping my hands around him (his feathers were still quite warm from the heat lamp), I trundled myself up to the garage where Daddy was running some new piece of machinery he'd picked up earlier in the day. I had to yell at him a couple of times before he heard me over the noise. Anyway, we decided to try to revive the little guy; particularly after he made a little peep or two. I figured that was a good sign.
Daddy found a box and lined it with a piece of paper towel while I kept the chick warmly tucked in my hands. He was starting to squirm.
You have to admit...he didn't look very good; I still expected him to die.
I checked on him on and off for the next couple of hours, in between other things and each time he looked a little better, seemed a little more alert and peeped a little louder. I tried to get him to eat a little, but I don't think that was overly successful; I left a little tiny bit of feed in the box. The next time I looked at him, his face was practically in it, so I don't know as if he ate any of it or not.
Eventually, I decided that he was hot enough that he probably needed some water. Now, I do know how to force a chick to drink, so I did. I put him back in his box and he stayed on his feet! And hollered...and hollered...and hollered.
Speaking of the rest of the flock, ain't they a fine bunch of feathers?
To be quite honest, I started out in socks and boots, but I felt like said socks were sticking to the floor so when I cleaned the bathroom I took them off (we had some pears "leaking" in the mud room; that was the problem) and spent the rest of the day in my bare toes. The ground it both wet and chilly...
I got supper made (it was basically left-overs doctored up a little bit...turned out fine if I do say so myself) and finally got upstairs with the vacuum cleaner. I changed the litter in the cat box and got my room and my sisters rooms vacuumed. Thankfully, Runty didn't pull any of her door-climbing stunts this time. It really is very, very funny to see a black cat hanging sideways and rather bat-like off a chicken-wire screen door, but it's horrid on the hinges--which are already sprung--partly, I think from the wild careening trampoline-jumping stunts of said cats.
Mama called before they got home to tell Daddy, who handed the phone to me, that Grandpa had called her--he needed tomorrow's pills and they needed a gallon of milk from the fridge in the barn (it's a little too difficult [uneven floor] for Grandma to get it). So I dashed out to take care of things.
Grandpa said something like: "Look, it's Whatcha-call-her. I called You-know."
I laughed, "You-know called The Other Guy and he gave me the phone."
Grandpa continued the play, "It must be a relay..."
Me: "Something like that..."
Anyway, it was funny and one of those special moments of me actually being able to have a come-back to one of Grandpa's funnies. :) He's too smart for me!
Since I've been remiss on the blogging front this week, how about a quick run-down on what I've been doing?
Does this work?
Yesterday, my Grandma's cousin Helen had a huge auction; basically an estate sale (she's moved into assisted living) and Mama, Daddy, Grandma, and Savannah went. They bought Helen's couch. It's rather comfortable actually.
It's now nearing 10 and I have to go take some more pumpkin pies out of the oven, so farewell for now!