Anyway, to make a short story long, after doodling around all morning in order to get a particular garment "needed" for the 4th of July ready (I'll let you wait until pictures from the day to see it because the in-mirror ones I took are rather horrid; partly because I didn't have the article of clothing pinned together well enough), I headed out to do a wee bit of work. That "work" was nothing more than jostling around on a lawn mower through, in some places, grass that was nigh on three feet high. My every-other-week mowing plan hasn't exactly worked splendidly this year. It's rained too much. Anyway, Mama had mowed part of the yard the day before...but I went out to do the rest--bees or no bees. It NEEDED it. Besides, mowing down the old clover helps the new stuff grow better. In addition, I have seen very few bees out and about on the clover anyway. They're coming in from somewhere with yellow pollen (some of it mac'n'cheese yellow) and I've seen the capped honey, so they are working somewhere.
Anyway, I got done with the mowing (I only kicked up water at the eastern-most edge of the garden plot--which is doing rather unimpressively at the moment--which I credit to the excessive rain and cool temperature [I'm not kidding--60* at 9:00 a.m. on July 3rd??], not to our first attempt at no-till gardening). I closed up the back of the barn and was thrilled to find that it was easy and that I didn't have to grunt and sweat like usual. I guess it was because the wind wasn't really doing much. Next on the list was feeding the chickens and gathering the eggs. The coop needs to be cleaned out again already, but that's just an aside.
On my way back to the house, swinging a bucket with a dozen eggs in one hand, I spoke aloud. "Hmm, I feel taller than usual...surely I didn't grow!" (Right now, don't laugh yet.)
Well, I dismissed it from my mind until this morning, when I had the same sensation as I tramped out by the chicken area. Suddenly, it hit me like a lighting bolt. I hadn't gotten any was just that the grass was short!! I had a good took me too trips along that stretch of ground to figure out that oh-so-obvious solution to the mystery of why shorty-pants felt taller than she really is.
It was too good to keep to myself, so I came in and told Mama the story and she got a good laugh over it too.
So now you see...I really *am* smart. Well, my coffee's gone, so I'd better go get the kitchen cleaned up.