We had both in-state and out-of-state friends who came and spent the day (and a couple overnight) and we ate and shot and we ate and we shot and we played music and we watched fireworks and we laughed and we talked and we teased and we laughed and we finally had to hug people good-bye (or shake hands, depending) and send some people on their homeward trip with waves and a chorus of good-byes and good-nights. My knees were aching like a toothache by the end of the day, but it was worth it--well worth it!
That's the encapsulated version.
I'm going to see which pictures I to put up and which stories to tell with the pictures....this may be kind of haphazard and random, so hang on! :)
So, someon walks up with this very long reproduction 18th century longarm. (Repetition of the word "long" is purposeful...see below for a visual explanation.)
We did some skeet shooting (Uncle Al should have been there--but then the rest of us would not have had a chance!) and I think I actually busted four of the clay pigeons! Not bad for a newbie...(I guess I have killed a few birds on the wing, but I'm still a newbie!) Some of the young men did much better than I and one of the young ladies and I switched out shotguns. The toe on her's needs to be whittled down like Daddy did for mine. After three shots I called it quits as with the larger calibers and then that mean point my shoulder was sore. (Still is, though no visible bruising.)
Anyway, all that to say, that I took as much delight in helping out and encouraging the up and coming marksmen in our delightful gathering as I did in busting primers myself. I can't help it that I'm a bit of a mother henish type...it makes me a happy person. :D I mean, I was rooting just as hard for the other competitors in the Buffalo Shoot as I was for myself...except for when I was actually on the firing line with a rifle in my hands. Even then, I was just trying to do my best. If I had won, I would have been delighted, but I guess I'm really just as pleased that someone else won! :D It was just a friendly game of skill after all....
I am SO glad that everyone who came did come and I'll say it again to whomever of y'all might be reading this--THANK-YOU for coming!! It was an absolute blast (no pun intended!) and I think we had a great group!! Y'all are all welcome to come again--just give us a head's up! ;) (Also many thanks to the photographers! I LOVE pictures...)