I've been laughing til I cried looking at the entries. My handwriting was awful (I think I may have written a hunk of it in a vehicle, so that didn't help) but my spelling was atrocious!! All original spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
The very first entry was written in by my mother for me:
1 March 99 2PM
saw an Eastern Bluebird and a Robin
I kind of like this entry...it's clear I was somewhat agitated, for my lettering is a little big and bolder than most of the other entries:
I Saw a Cotton mouth!
1999 April 12
Looking at this thing, I find that at age 7, I spelled "saw" correctly part of the time and the other part of the time I spelled it "saol".
*Nods head wisely*
See, I spelled with a Southern accent!
How about the spelling and capitalization in these? See if you don't laugh. ;)
January 18, 2001
rabins, Bilu Brid, Commen GracKlE
Jan 25, 2001
we're having camanee [company] to night. the cat hisst at me.
Fed 9, 2001
It is a pritty Day. I saw a lot of rodens.
{Anyone else think I was having problems minding my "b" s and "d"s that day??}
Fed 12, 2001
I scerd the colee awey. I saw a roben, I saw mmommy carenals, and Daddy Cardunals, Swainson's thrush, I saw six rodins.
APRIL 23, 2001
I saw a spitr rap up a nat.
Sep 11 and Sep 12, 01, In New York City & Pentagon the World Trade center was crashed into by tow Hijacked air planes.
Probably my first attempt at poetry here is next:
April 6, 02
I Came up With a pome: M, I, J, A
My aim was sher
I never missed.
Just like,
Annie Okely!
By this point, I was writing some of my entries in cursive...but my spelling was still terrible:
April 7, 02
It is Sunday and we did home Cherch, had a ymmy lunch and we are haveing Psizze! Oh, and of cors we are haveing psizza to the glory of God!
Alright, I just about couldn't talk laughing over this one:
MAY 6, 02
Look, more nature observations!
June 27, 02
I Saw a black catupiler eating a leaf!
June 28, 02
I saw a spider that Looked like a scoreine! [scorpion]
Sep 6, 02
Daddy ran around the houes because of a huge wasp nest, it was HUGE! It had abuat 20 wasps in it.
Oct 30, 02
I worte Missy and We got a Dish washer and a campurter
Skipping along, this next one is from after we moved to Arizona...
Sept' 14, 03
It is time to go to chaple. I miss my church. I spit tea on my sirt. [shirt]
Anyway, back to birding--my grandparent's came out to see us in early 2004 and that's why Grandpa is mentioned.
March 13, 04
Grandpa and I saw a catus wren. He know House sparows, as Einglesh Sparrows. Morning Doves as turtle Doves. We saw 3 Mexican Jays.
In between the previous entry and the following one, my grandmother passed away and we made one trip to Florida in April for her funeral--which we missed. This is several months later...
Sept. 3, 04
...Coming back from Fl. Hurricane Charlie went through. Not to much damage.
The next one cracked me up...
Nov. 27, 04
We are going back to Fort Bowie today. We're also going to get nuts.
There are only two more entries: One in 2007 and one in 2009. Neither are amusing, so I won't share them.
I wonder, should I start carrying this little green book about again in one of the vehicles to scribble in, or should I just put it back?
Either way, I think I had better finish this job I started (cleaning my desk again)...