No matter what you want to call us, Katherine and I took on wood-duty today and brought in several loads of wood. Before we did that though, I moved all the stuff that was already in the basement from the "dumping room" to the furnace room.
Neither one of us fell down (yay!!) but I at rate nearly slid out of the buggy in a painfully ungraceful fashion a couple of times.
Decked out in an old jacket that I had just replaced the front buttons on yesterday I wasn't overly warm--but thanks to my nice fuzzy-lined leather gloves, my fingers didn't get too cold. (I think, that had I buttons on my jacket sleeves, I would have been warmer...) We look rather like a couple of odd hobos...
When we got done, I had Katherine close up the window and all while I headed out to run an eye over my chicken coop. I didn't realize that Daddy had already fixed the holes in I really could go ahead and get chickens. Mama told me the other day that the farm store had some in so my brain has been working along those paths a bit over the last few days (as well as "I need to get more bee-boxes!")
Well...that's part of the day in a nutshell...and I think I still have a wood-chip in my right eye.