Sunday, March 9
The entire family got to go to church! Granddaddy was in the hospital with a skin infection, so no one had to stay home with him.
After lunch, which was a tad later than usual because we stopped at the hospital for a few minutes, I sat down to an enjoyable two hour conversation via Google Hangouts with a brother in another state. The subject: a joint film production. I landed the grand ol' spot of director! I have a large hunk of research to take care of (which will be easier now with my computer back [or my "baby" as Daddy just called it! :D] We have determined the subject of the film, but I'll save the details until I can give you a better, more succinct description then that which would ramble off my fingers at the moment.
Monday, March 10
A busy, busy day. :)
First, Grandpa's trip to the dentist. I don't know about you, but dentists don't scare me. Never did. I never could understand why people are afraid of them (maybe because I've never had a cavity? Not that that should be much worse than having dental surgeries--of which I've had a couple.)
I took notes on the way home to remind me of what stories I wanted to tell once I got my computer back. :)
Mama sat in the waiting room the whole time and I took care of wheeling Grandpa into the rooms and helping him transfer. He doesn't need much help, less than Granddaddy in fact--a lot less. (He actually works at it, unlike the G-Dad).
Anyway, Grandpa went to the dentist to have a root removed from his gum. The tooth had apparently broken off at the gum, so the root needed to be removed to keep it from getting infected, etc.
The doctor was probably about half way through the extraction when I kind of siddled around to where I could see, saying, "Mind if I watch?"
He didn't really seem overly pleased, but said, "So long as you don't faint."
I responded with, "I won't" and bit the laughing, but snarky comment back about having watched calves be castrated, ear-marked, and branded. I did almost drop the "I'm a country kid" line, but instead, I just grinned to myself.
Anyway, I now know a little better how my dentist removed "that tooth" [sticks tongue where there is no longer a hole--took six years for it to come in it, but it finally did] back when I was 15. It was interesting.
Because Grandpa had a issue with his partials, we were led to the other side of the building where the denturist (is that a word?) would see him. While waiting for him, I noticed Grandpa's tell-tale "I have to go" movements. I did what I know how to do, I hopped up, strode down the hall, into the waiting room, told Mum that Gradpa had to go, continued right on out, opened the door to the van, hopped in, snatched up the john, and retraced my steps. Once he went, I repeated the processes.
I have gotten to a point where such things are just every day practical actions.
Oh, yes, and Grandpa had one of two issues with his partials fixed. The second problem gets addressed in a couple of weeks. He has to get a new impression of the top one and then an addition to it for the tooth that was just removed.
I forgot to mention earlier that Daddy flew to Florida Sunday evening and therefore he couldn't go see Granddaddy in the hospital, so we dropped Savannah off there on the way to the dentist. On the way home, we picked her up. Grandpa and I stayed in the van; him napping for the most part and me doing one of my favorite things--watching people.
There was this lady that came out of the hospital, she reminded me so much of my Aunt Celinda that it wasn't even funny...
Anyway, there were two Chrysler vans parked in front of us, two different years and two different shades of blue; and as this lady came out of the hospital, she started hitting her key fob. Well, from where I was sitting I could see that the older, lighter blue van's lights were blinking. The lady walked up to the new, darker van and tried to get it to open. She tried for probably five minutes (I was wondering if I ought not get out and tell her, "Um, ma'am...I think this van is yours..."). The lighter van's lights were flashing and then all of sudden the back hatch and the side door opened. At that point, she realized her mistake and got in the correct van.
When we got home, as I put Grandpa back into the apartment, I relized that the carpet was wet (again!!) The barn/apartment was flooding with the melting snow. We immediately went to work sweeping the water out of the barn. This entailed doing some chopping of channels into the ice outside the barn where we were sweeping it under the bottom of the frame (there are some places where it doesn't go under ground). I found a hammer with a point on the back (a heavy hammer) and used that to help chop a channel through the frozen ice and river rock in the floor of the barn. Katherine was sweeping water through that channel to the outside channel (which I went and cleared a couple of times). I ended up splashing muddy water all over shirt was soaked pretty good as were my jeans. I got dirty and loved every minute of it! Well, except when I fell on the ice (for the first time this winter). I hurt my hip at the time, but it's my knee that shows the most signs of the fall (including hurting and a loverly bruise). When I fell, I didn't even realize I had hit it!
Katherine and I had a quick photo shoot of ourselves when we came in--minus our boots. (I had on my Ariat boots and they got soaked through--besides the water seeping in the seams where they have already started coming apart a bit along the sole seam.)
Tuesday, March 11
Mama left in the morning to pick Daddy up at the airport. Immediately after breakfast, I went on a barn/water recon mission and was happy to report to the other half of the crew that would have had to work on it (Katherine), that it was fine and didn't need our attention.
Granddaddy came home that afternoon and thus life began returning to normal...
I took out three buckets full of ashes that evening (to help Daddy) in my barefeet. Er, yes...kinda dumb I suppose with the ground still being frozen three or four inches under the surface and the water/mud on top being ice water...however, my feet were already dirty and didn't want to take the time to clean them off and go up stairs to get socks. I didn't get frost-bite, so no harm done, right? :D
Wednesday, March 12
You do know the expression "When it rains, it pours", right? Well, that's us.
The pump was acting up. The well is situated smack dab in the middle of the garage, so Daddy backed the car out, lifted the grating, and soon determined that the... the... what'dyacallit had gone bad (starts with a 'c'...that's all I can remember at the moment).
He went to town. When he came back, he had that part (the what'dyacall it ;P) and a new pressure tank! He explained that the what'dyacallit had croaked because the old pressure tank wasn't functioning correctly (and apparently hasn't been doing so for a while).
I helped remove the old pressure tank and install the new one. Daddy thought he had drained the old pressure tank, but it hadn't drained (not his fault), so I was very glad that went the strappage broke that we had just switched places--with him under the tank (it was suspended from the basement ceiling by tough plastic straps) and not me! I think I would have been hurt pretty bad if it had been me under there (what with breaking my tailbone on the pipage behind me and being smashed under however many pounds of water still in that tank).
I imagine it got kind of funny (if anyone had been watching) to see Daddy, with me right behind him, trotting back and forth between the house and the old garage those couple of times for pipe and tools.
But, back to the basement...I helped by using my horse riding muscles to hold the tanks still while Daddy either removed or put on pipe. Every time Daddy used the pipe dope (I'm serious, that's what the stuff is called!) I joked about Dijon mustard--because that's what it looks like.
Once we got the tank ready, we fixed up a wooden stand of it. I helped by holding onto piece of wood. Daddy ran the power saw. I also ran out and dug out four nice enough looking bricks to place under the legs of the stand (to keep them out of the water when the basement gets wet). Bare handed, of course. By now, you're going to think I don't like to keep either my toes or fingers warm--but I have the same excuse for digging bricks out of the snow with my bare hands as I did for carrying the ashes out in my bare feet. My hands were dirty! (And no water to wash them in...)
Daddy adjusted the pressure switch a little bit after we got the water running again. My job was to turn sinks on and off during that portion of the excitment.
Thursday, March 13
I guess it must have been Wednesday morning, mid morning, when I went up stairs, opened my door and walked into my room and got hit in the face with a pretty powerful mold smell. Well, Thursday afternoon, we went hunting for the source. Daddy went into the 'attic' crawlspace and reported zero mold. I started seriously hunting in my room after that...and I found it.
The baseboard behind my vanity has not been flush against the wall since the ducting went in a couple years ago, and that my friends, is where the mold was. Along that baseboard and the plaster. I took the baseboard to the garage (I have yet to clean it) and then took baking soda and vinegar to the plaster. It's smells a whole lot better in there now! an added plus...I found my nail-clippers (which the cats had lost)! I thought I had looked back there, but I guess I didn't look hard enough.
Friday, March 14
That's today...what did I do? Oh, yeah...Daddy and I went to the chiropractor this morning! I've really been needing to go (it's been a while, November being the last time I went!) and it felt great--only now I feel like I need to go back again! (Such is the hazards of letting yourself get really out of whack before going...)
After that we went to Rual King and got chicken feed and a pair of rubber boots for me. I didn't intend on getting steel toes, but I did. long as Miss Ruth's horses don't step on me I should be fine. :) (I look forward to being able to go down and help her around her place once a week or so real soon.)
Then of course, after supper, Mama and I went and picked up my computer.
*gleefully rubs hands together*
Now I can get started on a couple of different research tracks I've been itching to follow all week!
But not tonight...
Also, it so happens that today is my Granddaddy's eighty-third birthday.
Happy Birthday Granddaddy!!