Anyway, since my last non-Authentic Christianity post, I have, believe it or not, sat down several times to put fingers to keyboard, only to kick back with a blankish feeling and declare to myself, "I don't have enough energy to write...or if I did, it would be boring and not worth reading..." I do rather like writing stuff that people can actually enjoy while reading...
With that being said, I now have to sit back and wonder what I wrote about last time. (I suppose the logical thing to do would be go check...but I'm just going to forgo that step.)
Therefore, I am going to speak of first, the hazards of being a seamstress and designer and second, of fowl. Beware...there may or may not be some interesting and/or boring photographs.
First then: The Hazards of Being a Seamstress
Other than the obvious, pin-pricks and the like, there are the dead brain moments when you forget that both sides (front and back) of a pair of shorts need to be the same width in the crotch and therefore you have whacked one side too short! (Thankfully, I was able to salvage that problem.)
Once I get my projects completed I'll post pictures (I'm pretty close on several of them); in other words, they look a little further along that this:
I made a sailor hat to go with one of the suits:
Then, I decide, on a whim, that since I hate making button holes on the machine, that I am going to make them all by hand. Yes, you heard that right. I rather enjoy that kind of handwork and so, even though it takes longer, I'm sticking to it. Some of them look much better than others, but I am trying to make them all nice and even. The more practice I have, the better they will look, right?
Well, the seamstress part seems to have fizzled out on the talking front...let's move on to the fowl. :)
You will, naturally think that I shall be discussing my chickens...which I will, but let's start with these ugly things:
I haven't shot any for a couple of days, but between Daddy and I, last week, we must have killed over a dozen. I haven't managed a wing shot yet, but will continue to work on it.
Just for laughs...this is what happens when you ask your dad to take your picture and the sun is blinding both of you...and neither one of you cares to take the time to check and see how the picture came out...
I believe I probably told y'all that the hatchery replaced the entire now I have about 145 chicks dashing about. One of the red ones died on me last week, but that is the only one. I had one that I was positive was going to die--poor baby had a bowel blockage I am sure--but he came out of it and while a little smaller than the others, is just as lively. I call him "Dinky", though by the time they get big, I probably won't be able to tell him apart.
Believe it or not, I stepped on one last night. I guess that isn't TOO hard to believe when there are 140+ birds running about around your feet begging for food...I was afraid I really hurt the little booger, but as of this morning, I was entirely lost as to which one had had my lard foot smash him. (I didn't step all the way down on him...or he would have been dead! Much like the poor frog I stepped on--in my bare feet the other evening.)
I put down some fresh straw yesterday...which is going to need to be replaced, probably tomorrow.
Step two: Take stuff out, like the watering can. Oh yeah, don't forget to gather the eggs.
Step three: Fork the old straw out.
Step four: Hose down as necessary.
Step five: Put down new straw and sprinkle DE.