Thursday was my parents 32nd wedding anniversary! Believe it or not, they actually went out for supper. I'm not sure that in my 22 years if they've ever done that before...lunch, yes. But supper? I don't know. :)
Anyway, after the usual Saturday routine, she got surprised with a some stuff...and the knives that Daddy and I bought (though indeed my contribution was primarily hiding them and oiling the new bamboo cutting board in the secrecy of my room) her were a big hit. And here is the neat part...the two worst secret keepers in the family managed to keep their lips sealed and their excitement bound down until the right moment! I didn't even tell my sisters that there was a birthday present for Mama in my room. ;)
Saturday morning was extra enjoyable, because some friends came and set up with their instruments...and brought me a lovely bundle of mustard greens! (Which, we still have not eaten...and I very much look forward to. I could eat that whole bundle by myself in one sitting. :D I do not remember a day when I did not love mustard greens.)
I had a rather unusual Sunday morning yesterday. I was planning on staying at home with Mama (who it turns out wasn't expecting it) and I did...but more for the reason of executing a work of mercy/necessity.
I butchered two roosters. A couple days ago we had a cock-fight--one rooster got killed (we ate him) and another one had most of his neck skin flayed off (though I didn't see that til the day after). Surprisingly, that rooster still seemed in good health, but one who had a boogered up eye was acting really lethargic and unhappy. Then there was another one with a messed up breast. I could not catch that one (the set up is not good for catching birds unless you have a dip-net--which I do not...yet), but I got the other two and took care of them.
By the time I had them caught and dead, the scalding water was too hot (Mama had turned it back up when she came out to see if she could help me), so I sat out on the steps by the side of the house in the little breeze and watched bugs and the hummingbird visiting the feeder not three feet from my head and doing a little praying. I am consciously making an effort to use quiet moment like that to pray because prayer is an area I am very weak in.
By the time lunch rolled around I was clean and had gotten through a few pages of Authentic Christianity. I would end up, later in the day, taking my reading out under the Lindon trees in the was such a beautiful day!
This morning, I must confess, I woke up at 8.00....that is LATE for me and I had no intention of sleeping that kind of late...and now, I think I shall close this post and go see if anybody is having tea this morning, for that sounds just grand.