I'll quote Bethany here: "The Liebster Award exists to help bloggers get to know each other and spread the word about your blog and the blogs you love!" (I suppose I ought to post this picture too. :D)
#1. Acknowledge the blog that nominated you.
#2. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger created.
#3. List 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that deserve some recognition.
#4. Write 11 questions for them to answer.
#5. Notify them they've been nominated.
#2. Well, here goes:
1. Besides family, who do you admire and why?
Oh, dear...are you serious? You are? Well, there are many, many folks I admire for various reasons, but I suspect that isn't quite good enough is it? If the person can be a historical character, I will say Stonewall Jackson because he was a man of God and a brilliant general!
2. Awkward Moment?
An awkward moment. Bethany, you are a stinker! How about those times at the Farmer's Market when I go to chirp "Good-morning!" and it a) either doesn't actually vocalize or b) squeaks on it's way out. :D
3. How do you plan to impact the future for Christ?
Interesting question. My "plans" are just that...but God ordains what actually comes to pass. I would like to make truth-telling (historical) stories via two mediums: film and novels. One must know where they came from to see where they are going. Can you impact the future by educating in the truth? I believe so.
4. What makes you laugh?
Eh...well...a lot of stuff! It could animals acting like themselves, the wind blowing in my face, a sister or friend's facial expression, something some one says, a piece of music...well, you get the point. I am easily amused.
5. What do you love about your best friend?
Why should this one make me draw a blank? I LOVE my best friend...because she is herself! To pin-point one particular just isn't fair! :P Anyway, I think she's put up with her share of listening to me rant about something and chuckling at me as I get wound up tighter and tighter. Love you, Missy!
6. What is something you want to do someday?
Well...I would like to visit the British Isles someday. And go to every State in the Union.
7. Is there something that you would have never dreamed of doing, yet you are doing today?
Pardon me while I laugh. There...Absolutely. You want particulars, you say? Okay, you asked for it. Something I never dreamed I would do--wiping a grandfather's behind because he cannot do it himself. Not exactly a job I glory in, but one that I do on occasion take on because Daddy is not available to do it. Praise God I have the ability to do this for my grandfather!
8. What is your favorite state and why?
Favorite State. *starts to hum "I've Been Everywhere, Man"* Well, I love Louisiana because I spent four wonderful years there and that's where my best friend lives. I love Florida because my roots are there. I like Texas because I just do. :D I really, really like Georgia; partly for the pecans (my favorite nuts) [the groves are gorgeous], partly for the history, partly for the accent. I really do not have a favorite state. I have a favorite region--it's called Dixie.
9. When I say exciting moment, what comes to mind?
Time with friends and family--most usually associated with food, good conversation, and dancing!
10. Do you love what you do?
Totally. I like playing in the dirt, getting grease up my fingernails, making critter noises back at my animals, reading, writing, and playing music. That's my life folks--I enjoy it most of the time.
11. What are some goals you hope to accomplish?
Goals. Weellll....short term: finish a couple of project I have started (film and otherwise). Get bees!! Long term: get married (Lord willing) and have a family and all that entails.
That's my foolish answers to Bethany's questions. :)
#3.List eleven bloggers?? Um...when one starts doing this kind of thing, strange realizations open up. For instance, it turns out that most of the blogs I read, I stalk...in other words, I never comment. So, I only have only a handful that I actually comment on and would thereby be comfortable awarding--it would be strange and weird for some stranger to award another stranger out of the clear blue, wouldn't it? So...I only came up with eight! I may have missed a person or two who's blog I may not actually have book-marked for whatever reason.
1: Wandering Words (my younger sister's blog)
2: Welcome to Our Farm (my Mama's blog)
3: Thine is the Kingdom (Another one of those via-the-internet friends blog)
4. Musical Cowgirl for Christ
5. Sparks of Reformation (my older sister's blog)
6. God's Country Boy
7. Sons of the Kingdom (not exactly a personal blog, but good all the same!)
8. For Christ's Glory!
#4. A list of eleven questions. (What's the importance of 11?) Anyway, here's my shot at it.
1. What is your favorite historical era(s)?
2. What are you currently reading?
3. Are you a boot or flip-flop kind of person? (Sorry, that one is hopefully the most ridiculous question I'm going to ask!)
4. Are you logical or illogical by nature?
5. What is your favorite way to spend time with your family?
6. Which side of your family do you favor in looks?
7. If you lived in 1861--would you have been Federal or Confederate?
8. If you had lived during the Reformation, which Reformer would you have 'backed' the most heartily?
9. Credo- or Paedo-baptist?
10. What is you favorite caliber?
11. What is the most awesome thing about your dad?
#5. Er, yes. I will start that job as soon as I post this. :)
Have fun ya'll!