I rode Snip this morning...big surprise, right? He behaved fairly well. I didn't trot him for a full 15 minutes, but what I did do (more like 10 minutes) was at a fairly quick trot. I loped him a couple of times and naturally, that was the most troublesome overall, since he so aggrivatingly pulls toward the trees when we're headed east.
I wasn't planning on it, but I rotated the cows this morning. They were all in the woods (except for one old girl who has been keeping to herself a lot lately--and I didn't see her until later), so all I had to do was open one gate and shut another. Meanwhile, I tied Snip up to a fence post. I have started carrying a hay bale rope on my saddle for such purposes.
After lunch, I took my truck, which is belching smoke like a dragon, into Tex. When I'll get it back I don't know.
On the way home, Savannah handed me her phone (she was talking to Mama). At some point, she handed her phone to Grandpa so I got to talk to him for awhile. That was great...except now I miss him all over again. I have a pretty good relationship with my Grandpa--better than I do with Granddaddy (though I love him too!), so it was good to chatter with him about everything from birds to bees to food.
I then talked to Mama some more...finally, as her phone was fixing to die, we got off. Both of us had stuff to do anyway.
I had an apple before heading out to tighten up the fence around the house. I got the north side done. I'll do the west side tomorrow I guess. I hope to get out that weedwacker I've never used and have no idea if it works, and trim around the house and pump and barn. I need to mow again fairly soon, but I will have to go get some more gas before I can do that.
I made myself a new watch band out of some black grossgrain ribbon this evening. The leather one that Katherine gave me was falling apart, so I figured I might as well preempt loosing it by replacing it. A new watchband every six months! This is the third one. I guess I just sweat on them so bad that they just fall apart. Anyway, I took some inch wide ribbon, folded it in half, stitched it together and weasled it onto the watch. The raw edges of the holes for the buckle and the ends, I 'singed' with some matches to keep them from fraying all over the place. It seems to be a pretty sturdy band and hopefully it'll last at least six months. Of course, my battery may be dead by that point...but whether I replace the battery or the watch is a question I'll answer when I reach that point.
Busy days are good days...