- The Army of Tennessee, at the Battle of Atlanta. Hardee had one Corp, comprised of four divisions. Of those, one was commanded by Major General William B. Bate. Bate's Division comprised three Brigades--one of those was the Florida Brigade under Brigadier General Jesse J. Finley. The Florida Brigade had the following regiments: 1st-3rd Florida Infantry (Captain Matthew Strain), 1st Florida Cavalry (dismounted) and 4th Florida Infantry (Lt. Col. Edward Badger), 6th Florida Infantry (Lt. Col. Daniel L. Kenan), and 7th Florida Infantry (Lt. Col. Robert Bullock).
For explanation of why that interested me, note first the 4th Fl. Inf. Co. K of the 4th Florida was originally (if I recall correctly) the 20th Florida Militia--which was the unit that my g-g-great grandfather was commissioned Lt. Col. of in 186--2, I believe it was.
Secondly, take a look at that last one, the 7th Fl. Inf. I had three great-uncles (at least) in that regiment. Two were the sons of my g-g-great grandmother from her first marriage, before she married the Colonel (see previous paragraph). Both were killed in Kentucky, and I think, quite likely, without going back to check, dead by the time of the Battle of Atlanta. The third, might not have been there either due to being detailed to collect cattle. He was one the Colonel's sons.
Here's the line-up for the Battle of Nashville, Dec. 10, 1864: http://www.civilwarhome.com/confederateornashville.html - Did you know that General Bernard Bee had a brother? I didn't...his name was Hamilton Prioleau Bee.
- Here is an interesting fact: Fort Benning, Georgia (home of the paratrooper school--Hooah!), is named after Confederate General Henry L. Benning. The most interesting part of that is that Benning was an ardent secessionist. Now why would the Federal government name a post-WBtS's military establishment after a very ardent secessionist and slavery proponent? Don't both of those go against what the Federals claimed to be opposed to?
- This man here (Theodore W. Brevard) is the son of the man whom Brevard County, Florida is named after! Being a Floridian by both heritage and choice (regardless of not being born there or even currently residing there), I always get a wee bit excited when I bump into such random factoids... ;)
- I am going to hazard a guess that General John Calvin Brown of Tennessee might have been born into a Presbyterian family....
- Now how's THIS!! Remember Robert Bullock from the first paragraph, the man in charge of the 7th Fl. Inf.?? Well...guess what, he ended up a general!!
You may get a similar post at some other date in the future, so hang in there! ;)