With that said, I have spent probably too much time on the computer today getting this ready. Of course, eating out after my chiropracter appointment this morning didn't make me feel very good for several hours. However, I managed to drive home (Savannah didn't really want to drive) without having a wreck even though I know I came real close to zoning out several times.
I timed my feeding routine last evening and found out that it takes me someplace between 15-30 minutes to feed Snip, Tommy-Cat and Shadow, and the chickens. Now add cows into that mix and it goes up to more like 45 minutes. I really didn't know it took that much time. Of course, if I have to take care of watering any of the animals that stretches the time out too.
I called Mr. Ricky this morning in regard to working cows in the [near] future, but neither he nor his wife were home, so I just left a message. I really need to get some of these big calves to market--and out of the yard! I don't know what we should do with 'Bad Child'--she's only 6 years old and throws a good calf, but she is a terrible fence breaker. Chasing her, hollering at her, electric wire, and BB's do not slow her down. Thing is, she knows she ought not be in the yard. I got to give her a good open-handed swat on the nose a couple of times this evening as she poked that large snoot of hers into the feed sack while I was dolling out pellets. The black bull butted the back of the truck once (rather uncharacteristic for him), but I didn't get jarred too bad, so I didn't really worry about it. I try to keep an eye out for Napolean Jr. (the white bull), because he's a bad 'un--he likes nothing better than to ram ol' Angus (who's bigger than he is) and then start that ridiculous noise of his. (I have no idea how to spell the sound bulls make when they are gloating or challenging one another--suffice to say, it's pretty funny sounding, but it can also get irritating or be disconcerning in the dark!) There is a good sized hollow in the left side of the pick-up from where he flung his behind into it while shoving the angus around--nearly pitching me out of the truck bed!
How's that for a beginning--more cow tales! :P