This morning, as I was heading out to go to the feed store, I called Daddy and told him I was thinking about stopping in there and seeing about one of those saddles. That was good with him as long as I called him before I actually purchased anything.
So, with a truck bed of feed (along with a few fence posts and some barbed-wire), I pulled in there and crawled out of the truck. I walked in and was greeted by the sight of over half a dozen saddles of various styles and sizes. I walked around them all a bit...felt a couple of them...Finally, I took one up and walked to the counter, "Excuse me, ma'am, but is there a place I can sit on this thing?" Ends up the best place was right where it had been...on top of a large amplifier (it came up to my waist!) I hopped up and wiggled around a little bit. I got off, adjusted the stirrups (not enough) and hopped back on again. While it certainly doesn't come up as high in the back of the seat, it was pretty comfortable. I liked it...and besides, I thought it looked kind of nice--despite the little areas where it's rather dog-eared.
I called Daddy and he told me to get it. It was marked $120, but it was actually on sale for $95 (I kind of suspected that, but I told Daddy one-twenty)--so what with the taxes and all I got my "new" saddle for $101! I will ride tomorrow morning (hopefully) and find out how grand it really is...
Now, how'd you like some pictures? I took them after I oiled it when I came home from the chiropractor.
Hey! It looks like it might rain!! I sure hope so, we need it. The grass is certainly greener than it was two weeks ago and growing, but it'd grow even better with some rain. In fact, I was singing a silly song I made up on the fly about "the grass grows green" while in the pasture putting out the mineral! I couldn't remember it now, so don't ask for either words or music, please. ;D