I haven't heard anything about our local one, so I'm not sure what's going on with that, but the other market we work in a town a couple miles north starts tomorrow.
We have very little by way of merchandise yet. I have however, prepped for in the inevitable sweet teeth at the market by baking a batch of rhubarb strawberry pies.
As you can see, I bake pies on a cookie-sheet. We found that out fast the first year I started baking rhubarb-strawberry pies for the market. I don't know about you, but I'd rather scrape and scrub a cookie sheet than I would the oven itself. :D
In between checking on the pies, I got a couple "Wedding Music Videos" edited. My adopted brothers are rather talented, just so's you know. ;) I'll be putting them up on YouTube relatively soon...
Oh--and I also started back on more detoxers and a single killer today. We'll see if THAT kills any and all creativity I have in me.
Until next time, I remain none other than...