Anyway, I didn't start this post to talk about the weather...or the fact that "The Holly and the Ivy" just popped up next on my Spotify playlist (it's not actually a Christmas playlist--it just happens to have one Christmas album on it). Rather, I wanted to talk about something that I live with on a day-to-day basis. My health.
As you all know (unless you are a very, very new reader here!), I have Chronic Lyme and Toxic Mold issues. I got to thinking about "things" yesterday and thought I'd give y'all a bit of an update.
I still have bad days fairly regularly. In fact, in this week so far (counting Sunday as Day 1), I've had one bad day out of three. Yesterday, I didn't feel well. I have yet to think of a more accurate description than "not feeling well"--even when there is no pain and I cannot pin-point any particular spot that's out of whack. It was one of those days were I felt really tired, emotionally strained (if anyone had raised their voice at me I would have started to cry), my noise and light sensitivity was heightened (particularly the audio-sensitivity) and I wasn't too sharp in the head.
Sounds dreadful, I suppose--and to a degree it is. But I'm not moping over it, but rather encouraged. Why? When I still have symptoms and trouble?
I'll tell you why. It's because--despite the brain-fog, I was able to read a letter I got from a friend. I was able to read a little more in "April's Revolution" (a book on antebellum and Civil War medical systems) and digest the information.
That's an improvement from earlier this year.
I'll tell you more. I was able to peel the tomatoes Mama asked me to do.
I was able to make supper.
I was able to move the chicken tractors by myself.
Perhaps that doesn't sound like much, but the fact that I was, despite my fatigued, almost depressed feeling, able to do "normal" functioning thing like stand at a stove and cook (probably even could have come up with the menu myself if Mom hadn't made a few wonderful suggestions as I was making my way to the kitchen) is good. It's encouraging. It's happy.
And I'm in good enough shape today to actually see this. :)
Well y'all...I need to go get the kitchen cleaned up from lunch....and maybe, just maybe, I can get this little jacket finished today!