Anyway, skipping Monday (which was the day I blistered my thumbs by using my new favorite tool glove-less), this week thus far as been unusual. Yesterday morning I went for my blood draw. It could have been much more unpleasant that it was--but no one told me that I should have really been drinking water between the time I got up and the time I left home! Since I had had very little to drink all morning, my blood was a little thicker than maybe it should have been so it took longer for the lady to get the 12 vials. She ended up having to use both my arms. I am kind of green now in the left arm where my elbow bends.
When we got home, Mama told me not to do anything much for the rest of the day (not that I could have been of much help out of doors anyway with these vile, self-imposed bumps on my thumbs anyway!), so I sat and watched an 1950's film of Lorna Doone (the book is better--they cut the detail out of the movie and changed some of the major parts) with Richard Greene. I rather like him. :) And I also watched The North Star, a 1943 (I think) movie set in Ukraine when the Nazi's invaded. It was very good and I think I shall have to do a review over on Reformed Reviews. While watching these movies, I sat and put together eight of my cockade hair bows.
Today, I had one of my "I feel like writing and I have a new idea for a story" moments. Believe it or not, I started and finished the whole story today. With a title like Leviathan, it may not come as a surprise that my reading of Job 41 this morning prompted the inner workings of my brain to crank this out.
The nice thing about it is that I knew pretty much where I wanted to end it--which, as I think I have bewailed before--is a deadly pitfall in my writing. I have an idea and do not fully form the where of the ending before I plow into it, just to slam against a brick wall. I changed a few details of the plot while writing it, but overall, I think that improved it.
I will try to get it up on Stories by Racheal soon (starting this evening). I think I shall put it up in parts even though it is a 'short' story (if you think roughly 17 pages is a short story.) *addendum: it looks like I will not be able to start putting it up tonight because my laptop does not have Word on it and Notepad will not open a .wps file. It looks as though I may have to type it over from my big computer (which I wrote it on because it does have Word on it). Shoot....
Anyway, I spent all day on it, but that was really alright because it rained on and off all day...