Speaking of adorable, here's her shop outfit for today. Ain't she just PURDY??
Well, anyway, we went to Jo-Ann's because I have a number of Civil War underpinnings to make for certain persons--preferably before next weekend which is our first reenactment of the season! I, being the entire doof that I am, misread the sale ad and thus was happily expecting the muslin to be 50% off. Oh. It doesn't start until THURSDAY, you say? Well...now that I feel stupid, I'll come back then and get my mass of yardage! (Which I did, this morning, in conjunction with a grocery run. I walked out with an entire bolt of muslin for just over $25.)
I was also pricing for possible other notions for an upcoming project, my "bother's" Confederate general's uniform! Tickles me pink, it does. :) I'm still not entirely settled on what I'm going to use for the "chicken guts" on the sleeves. I don't want anything that looks cheap and "costumy"; it would ruin the effect. But anyway--there will be more on that project in the future.
Yesterday, I cleaned the chicken coop before breakfast. (That 45 minute buffer on the "dirt" detoxer leaves me open time slots sometimes.) The morning was spent doing a little straightening up and the afternoon saw the staggering fact that we organized our yards and yards and yards of material!!!!
You are allowed to die with shock.
That concluded with 1 box (all units are rubbermaid, just so you know) of 1 yard pieces, 1 box of 2 yard pieces, 1 box mostly full of 3 yard pieces, 1 box mostly full of 4 yard pieces, and 1 box crammed full of 5, 6, and 7 yard pieces. Then, of course, is the scrappy stuff which is supposed to be made into quilts, Katherine's box of fabric, my comforter bag of fabric, two small rubbermaids of doll material, one BIG rubbermaid with the material still on bolts in it. So yeah. We still have some material all over the place to join the mess of unfinished projects, un-started projects, and clothing items to be re-purposed. Oh, and perhaps a mending job or two.
We like fabric. Just in case you didn't know.
I was completely wiped out by the end of the day, but surprisingly, don't seem to badly off today. Which brings me to my next subject: a Racheal Health Update.
The week after Savannah got married, the following Wednesday to be exact, I started my new killer/detox regimen. I won't give any dates for the following, because that would be too precise for my taste (or memory)...
Anyway, I have been having, get this, E-N-E-R-G-Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My brain may not still be working at capacity, but I have been able to move, energetically--all day long (or mostly all day long) in a way that I haven't for quite a long time. Gee. ONE DROP of that fungal killer is doing this to me?? (And I'm not kidding, most days it is only one drop, not two.) I had some headaches when I first went on it, but since leveling out on one drop, I haven't. I wonder how it'll do with two drops. Maybe I'll attempt two next week.....maybe. I like feeling good. :D
Evidence that my brain still isn't fully functioning...I forgot what else I was going to say.
However, I probably should mosey off of here (coffee's gone) and get to my Thursday baking. I have to go get some rhubarb for pies...and I'll double check with Mom on what else she wants or does not want made. Either way, I'll try to get US some bread made. We have enough eggs now that it's not a strain on our breakfast to whip up some breads.