I am serious. That is exactly what I did this morning.
After the best attempt at a victory roll yet, I took it down (still wasn't going to work), and decided to go 1860's with the hair today instead of 1940's. After all, I already had a center part...and I should be focusing down the 1860's at present (I really, really need to get back to work on the Cow Cav), so I thought a little inspiration might help.
Anyway, after poking around on Google images for a few minutes, I took inspiration from at least two hair-styles and ended up with this:
But, while I was poking around looking at ladies hair-do's, what should I stumble onto but this--a photograph I have never seen before of none other than the bold and ever-dashing Nathan Bedford Forrest!!
Well, alright...I'll stop gushing about one of my favorite Confederates. Forrest ranks right up there with Lee and Jackson in my book. It also reminds me to that I have a Forrest project in my line up...I REALLY should be reading my Civil War books instead of getting distracted by other things!
However, before I get to work on anything WBtS related, I have some sock math to work up. I have a commission thanks to one of my brothers! :)
*whistles Dixie while gathering knitting supplies*