I started out the day with a serious head-washing. It was time to drop the lye soap for a wash and switch back to my favorite, baking soda and vinegar. There was only one problem with that...the vinegar spray bottle has gone AWOL. I'm wondering if it isn't sitting on the bathroom counter at Granddaddy's house... Anyway, pouring cold vinegar out of a pint jar isn't necessarily my favorite way to go about it, but I was bound and determined that my scalp and attached hair would thank me in the long run.
So, with clean hair, I find out that I'm going to help clean out the chicken coop. :D Seriously, I always seem to have just washed my head when something potentially nasty comes up. Anyway, I braided my ponytail and looped it up on the back of my head, tied a scarf over the top, and put on the respirator (I have elevated mold levels, so we're trying to be careful with me on that front.)
Oh, by the way, maybe I ought to mention that the reason we were doing the chicken coop today was that it was actually above freezing (I believe it hit 41 today!) and Katherine really wanted to get some of the straw/chicken "stuff" build up out. She was actually going to do it, but Davy called and told Daddy he wanted to go ahead and get the rest of a tree they started on last week, so she went with Daddy to help.
Mama and I headed for the chicken coop and forked and scraped and pounded away at frozen chicken poop...but that was after we (and Katherine, they hadn't left yet--obviously) chased the chickens out of the coop and into the snowy run (they hate snow) and managed to free up a frozen gate (I broke it in the process, but it still works) to block them out. I got so hot doing that that I striped my heavy duty denim coat off and never put it back on.
Anyway, we got started sometime around noon (we ate breakfast late, which turns out was a good thing!) and didn't get done til around 2. Believe me, I was pretty hungry by that time!
To be completely honest, it felt good, to a degree, to get out and work like that. My upper body strength is still lacking, but worse than that, my left wrist was killing me. I astounded myself at one point my lifting this huge hunk of frozen straw and being able to pitch it into the back of the go-buggy...but man, did that hurt!
When we came in, I went right ahead and ate (I have that prerogative since getting too hungry a) seems to cause my Lyme stomach issues to flair and b) I tend to get rather grouchy) before everyone else.
After lunch, Mama did the dishes (I intended to) and I went straight to my stitching. I did not quite get the bodice finished on the dress I'm working on, but I feel like I did a good job on what I did get accomplished. Trying to learn from my mistakes you know...like being in such a state of excitement that I plow ahead instead of double-checking everything. That was part of the problem with the Harlequin dress.
Anyway, in the middle of this post, Savannah started playing "My Southern Soldier Boy" and I got this incurable itch to get my cello out and play along (we used to play that one together in Florida, but haven't done so since we've been here, I don't think). I am really rusty...and my wrist hurt (of course), so you can imagine that I didn't sound overly amazing, but with Savannah on the piano, Katherine on fiddle, and me on cello, I think the piece might have some potential if we actually played it at all frequently. I think I would play my cello more if it wasn't of necessity stored in the case...if I had a stand for it where all I had to do was reach out and pick it up (like my guitar), I think I'd so. :D
Ah, well...it seems like today was busy with various interesting items...