Today has been one of those days where things got done...but via rather haphazard mode of accomplishment. I seemed, somehow, to get going crooked this morning--not that that makes any sense. For instance, it took me all morning to get part of two different jobs completed.
I got my nuc hive glued together, but not nailed. (Wood glue is supposed to sit at least 30 minutes--and I figured I'd let it dry before banging in the nails.) Anyway, before I did that, I had to find the wood glue--which was in the basement, on the first shelf I looked on; only, I didn't see if the first time around. I only found it after I had crawled over the sprawling pile of wood in the annex room to the furnace room. I was careful, because the last thing I wanted to do was fall "Splat!" on top of a 3.5 foot high triangle of wood chunks. Ouch...that hurts just thinking about it. Once I came back over it, I re-looked on the shelf and after moving something else, there it was! Nice and snugly hid.
Would you like to hear about how I went out and dug around looking for more nails and/or sensibly sized screws? (The nails came with the nuc, but not the hive body and supers.) I didn't have a jacket on, because it has warmed up significantly for today and tomorrow, but I got down right cold in the old garage!! I also found where Daddy had these really nice clamps (my guess would be that they are for wood working) that were perfect! So I brought them in, along with a small rubber mallet, and a box of screws which I may not see use, and proceeded to glue the nuc together. I put the nails in after lunch at some point.
The next thing I did was vacuum the kitchen and dining room. Singing 1940's songs at the top of my lungs (I'd guess off-key) the whole time. I seem to really like belting stuff out over the roar of the vacuum cleaner.
Then...I made lunch. It wasn't planned, but I did it anyway. Mexican salad anyone? (Minus salsa...and sweet onion, as Savannah pointed out.)
Over the course of the afternoon, I had a conversation with Savannah, washed dishes, got the upstairs vacuumed, and systematically got my hive body and supers glued together in the meantime (actually, at the writing of this post, I'm waiting for glue to dry. I'm not quite done yet). I can see how the wood has already started to warp a bit. So, even though they may not have the hardware in them yet, the gluing has taken place! (I have to get nails--soon.)
Since I can't get the living room cleaned up until I finish putting the hive together, so I really had to do it. ;) Also in the meantime, I hunted up the words and music to a Civil War song that I recently remembered and got them printed off...along with a handful of other things.
Well, I'm off to feed the chickens.