I started out this morning making myself a list of things I wanted to see get done (so far, I've gotten all but one of those completed).
First up was straightening up the living room. I wouldn't say it looks spotless, but it's certainly better than it was! I still have sewing stuff out, but at least it's not completely filling two chairs and spilling haphazardly onto the floor from the card table I have set up. There is something rather satisfying in taking five minutes and turning chaos into order.
I had two other main jobs slated for today (other than the usual Etsy, cooking, dishes, etc.): plant my flowers and go through the doll dresses.
I actually got started on the doll dresses first. I sorted them into "put on Etsy" and "not good enough" and then I took a break and betook myself outside. It it unseasonably warm for February (not that I'm complaining!) so I was comfortable with my sleeves rolled up past my elbows while I played in potting soil and flower seeds. I have to say, I think Snapdragons have the tiniest seeds of any plant I have ever played around with! Wow...and I though carrot seeds were small........
I planted a rather huge (for a greenhorn on flower growing) selection in the potting tray. A couple different kinds of carnations, dahlias, zinnias, celosius (?), two snapdragons, a couple others I can't remember...oh and some pink daisy. That's what I put in the trays. After that, I puttered around with the stuff that the packages said could be direct sown this time of year and poked those seeds in various spots. Yeah. Real organized. I did try to be tasteful in where I put things though. And out of the way of mowers. Oh well. I'm planting flowers for the bees I need to order...so I'm going to be praying that they come up and grow nice and bloom delightfully.
I had a wonderful time getting dirt up my fingernails and playing with cats between time. It felt downright delightful to be OUTSIDE in the sun.
I came back in and after a good hand-washing, readdressed myself to the doll clothing. I went through and sorted it further into "lots"--which I then wrote down a piece of paper for quick reference when I begin to list them. (They all have "inventory numbers" which is quite helpful.) Since each Etsy listing cost $.20, I figure I might has well put as many outfits per listing as logically will go. Different styles paired together (I mean, stuff of the same style)...or color paired together. For instance, I have a 'Red Dress Lot' (four entirely different styles, but all with a red base) and I have a 1940's Style #1 (there are actually 4 1940's Style lots)--it only has two dresses in it, but it's the same style. I think I may have fun getting these listed. I also, naturally, have other nick-nacks and the like left to list too...but I might as well get these dresses up along the way. Some of them are still hanging around from 2012!!
I think I had better go get started on supper... ;)