I also got my sailor suit pattern in the mail this morning! I'm really quite excited about that...I'm kind of saving that for last. :)
The "button-dress" got cut out this evening. I probably could have had it around half done or more by this point, but I was so hungry that I decided it would be much wiser to wait until tomorrow.
Sorry there are no pictures. I didn't bother either taking any myself or having someone else do it. Never fear though...the pictures will show up at some point. (I wasn't about to take a picture of the mock-up on the hanger--like that it looks huge! :D)
In other news...Granddaddy had his third trip into physical therapy today. I don't expect that he likes it much, but it will be good for him.
My teeth have been bugging me for about a week. I think my jaw must be growing a little bit again. It's kind of like "old times" to have the teeth hurting like this on and off. Oh well...pain is gain in this case. My teeth get a little straighter every time. :)
It's been rainy around here...and the grass is green now. We're going to need to mow fairly soon and our lawn mower (see way back in October) is still broken. Daddy plans on trying to fix it. If he can, and it's the differentals, I'm going hear one way or the other from Grandpa about "I told you you should have taken the differental apart". :D There was no way I was going to drop that tranny case on my head, thank-you very much...
(Though actually a spot of mechanicing sounds like it might be kinda fun...)