My eyes got wide, my jaw went slack, and I'm not sure I didn't quit breathing for a couple of seconds. I simply couldn't believe my ears.
We were all in shock...and still are to an extent.
Granddaddy has agreed to come north.
Wow...yet another example in our lives of how God teaches us not to plan too far out. I got my question of yesterday morning answered last night in a fashion I wasn't exactly expecting. I had been wondering what we were going to do since Savannah really didn't want to go back to Florida (health reasons) and I really didn't want to be there by myself...and the other options just weren't very exciting either.
This creates a whole new massive shift in our lives; one that is going to take a lot of work...I'm kind of groping in the dark at the moment, just scribbling here as I try to fully grasp the whole notion of my Florida-born and raised grandfather coming to the mid-west to live. However, I suppose I ought to be used to such things now after eight years of the normal state of life being one of abnormality...
So...what do I think of the idea?
In the long run, I think it will be best for our family. Mom's right, this way she can take care of Savannah...and yes, I do need both my parents. I think I have kind of gotten used to being rather independent, not that that is completely bad, but I still need that parental guidence that you don't get day-to-day when you live half-a-dozen states apart.
I will miss my reenacting friends and the events, but I reckon I'll stay in the loop--I am still the webmistress of the site...and there is always the possiblity of being down there at the same time as an event. I suppose. At least I can fool myself into thinking that. :) I have to stay in contact with Mr. K anyway since he's my narrator...and Mrs. K sells my socks...
We also just joined the church down there...but they will understand.
My horse is another consideration, but I think Mr. Dan will take him for awhile. (They might actually get Snip finished, too!)
Nothing is solid at this point--and there is always the possiblity that after a couple of weeks, or months, Granddaddy may say, "I want to go home!" and then...well, if or when that happens...then I'll cross that bridge.
Anyway, I'd better get on with my day...there are things to be done!