This morning, after giving my chickens their 11:30 (a.m.) feed, I dropped in to see Grandma (and Grandpa). My main purpose was to trim the hair on the back of Grandma's neck (she hates it when it gets a certain length) and to inform her that I would be the one going with her to see Helen, her last remaining cousin.
I ended up trimming Grandma's hair with a pair of scissors instead of the usual clipper job. Grandpa, meanwhile, took the clippers apart and cleaned them (pretty good job for a 91 year old man who uses reading glasses and a magnifier to read his Reader's Digest ;].)
I helped her organize a few canned good and then cut Grandpa's hair with the newly renovated clippers! I think I did a pretty decent job--I've never trimmed his hair before.
Grandma told me at some point that she didn't like the way I had my hair very much...
Well, Grandma and I went to see Helen this afternoon. In some ways, Helen looks better than last time I saw her (New Years), but in others, worse. I was mainly there to be an arm for Grandma if needed, but there was a little conversation between me and Helen.
Here I must pause and ask a question of my male readership (assuming I have any), but do young, unmarried guys get asked by the elderly (female) relations, if they have a girl, as much as the young, unmarried girls get asked if they have a fella? It is inevitable when visiting Helen for that subject to come up. :D Really, it doesn't bother me...but it amuses me how these little old feminists who think we girls need to have a career are equally firm on the notion that we need to find us a husband before they all "get married, divorced, and have a couple of kids in tow" (which is basically what Helen said).
Anyway, that last was a new tact on that particular discussion. *grins*
When I got home, I started making supper. Granddaddy was quite pleasant...see? :) this point in this post (written over a span of a couple of hours actually as I had some hopping up and down to do), I forgot exactly were I was really going with it. Suffice to say, each and every person, no matter what their age, is unique and has their own set of, well, quirks. I am often very selfish and let things irritate me when they should not. Having identified this (as well as understanding that the Bartonella in my system can help induce irrational irritation..grr...I hate being a grouch and the amount of time I spend with a burr under my saddle at times increases my irritation...but I digress), I am consciously trying face up and over come this problem (excuse me, sin). I fail far too frequently.
However, I did not begin this post to talk about my old folks irritating habits, but to say that I had a (mostly) pleasant day with them all and that I really do love them. There is no way I would put any of them in a home...