About mid-morning, as I was attempting to place a pocket correctly, I had to put it down. I just felt that bad. I couldn't think well enough and I felt so very weak. I guess this must be something like what Savannah has been going through for quite a while.
On top of that, if you were talking to the base of my skull and my neck down into my shoulders, they would be warning you that Racheal is seemingly in the grips of another Mollart's attack.
"Already?" you might ask.
Well, yes. It's been almost two weeks. Savannah and I noticed last year when I'd get it that it seemed to have these cycles. I'd go along without any attacks then bam! out of the blue I'd get it again...followed shortly (in two weeks or so) another attack (generally a little milder). In other words, the Mollart's seems to come at me with double-taps.
So, while Mama and Savannah go into town to help some new friends with some fabric shopping, I'm going to stay here, glued to my computer, attempting to build a website. I did rather want to go this afternoon, but I think I'd better not. Right now, I'm trying to figure out what to call this proposed site... I'll be sure to link to it once it's done/published. So...with that tantalizing piece of info, I'll return to trying to use my brain. :P