Cousin Butch came down and took us to Slim's per usual. Unlike usual, I had something other than salad. I just didn't want salad today. I had some very tasty and greasy ribs. And yes, I ate the 'steak fries' that came with them. I also had two very good cups of coffee.
Also as usual, we hit the "range" after coming home. I broke into one of those 'antique' boxes of .22 shells. They didn't like my revolver very well, the cartridges getting stuck in the cyclinder. That ammo was also pretty dirty.
I cleaned my guns immediately when we finished. I have a very, very bad habit of putting it off, so like I told Butch, "I'm trying to break that habit." Anyway...we had a wonderful time (we always do when Butch comes)! I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Another male coon of less size and weight than Houdini, this one did not hiss at me--but he kicked and wheezed and blew blood out his nose a whole lot longer than the other one. I put a second bullet through his brain even though I'm sure the first one killed him simple because I wanted to see if that'd stop his death throes sooner. I don't think it made any difference. I'm also pleased to say that he went straight to the trap last night rather than first raiding the coop. So...I still have 17 birds left. One of which is apparently turning broody.
And...just one more thing. I wanted to share this picture of this tiny little tree frog. Please ignore the fact that my fingers look crazy weird and just look at the frog. Isn't he cute??