go back in time...I cannot remember all of what I did last week...but Savannah and I went to the "out of town" Farmer's Market on Friday. Savannah and Katherine were supposed to go and I was supposed to go to a doctor's appointment with Grandma (Mama was sick), but it got changed around because I parallel park just a wee better than Savannah (or so I think). Anyway, I took my guitar with me and played a little...I think the market master got a picture of me playing, but I don't know.
We did fairly well for a slowish day (I asked several other vendors if it was slow since I hadn't been there this year yet and they said it was). I spent the last thirty minutes or so sitting on John's egg cooler talking to him and Dee. Mr. "Clucky" seemed to think my nickname of Rooster was appropriate. I have an invite to put bees on their property which I actually do intended on taking up once I get my feet under me a little better as a beekeeper.
All in all, I enjoyed myself even though in a personal way I didn't make any "dough".
The next day, Savannah and I set up at the local market and then she went home to eat breakfast. It rained some...and by 11:30 we had had a whopping total of FIVE costumers. Chuck (the only other vendor that day) had to leave early anyway, so when he left, we also left, but only partly due to the rain. The other part was that Savannah and I were going on another "sister trip". :) I was going to get my new queen bee! For further information, see the Bee Project.
After that, Mama and I went out and planted a little buckwheat...then we picked the strawberries. Since then I've been typing...fed the chickens...took Grandma eggs...went and peered at my bees on the landing board...typing...drinking tea...but do you really care about all that? Probably not. :D
Now I'm going to go feed my cats their supper. Until next time then!