"Singles Awareness Day".
Double HA!
Naw...we just plain out had us a fantastic ol' time...
The morning wasn't anything out of the ordinary really.
But then we took lunch out and feasted on shrimp and lettuce with Grandma and Grandpa. And chocolate. See?
When we came in, we...guess what? We played music all afternoon!! :)
I didn't really play my guitar(s) at all. Only on "Salley Gardens". But that was okay, because I was taking a helpful hint from a brother and really putting my nose (figuratively speaking) to this instrument:
To start with, I had to get over the fear of making too much noise (and inharmonious noise to boot) and just PLAY the thing. Once I gritted my teeth and went with it, I started to "feel" it...
So yeah, breakthroughs!!
Savannah stood there and memorized "The Flowers of Edinborough" while I bashed around on the bodhran.