Anyway, that goofing off made me late feeding the animals. Not too late, just a little. I had already decided that I wasn't going to ride Snip this morning--I felt tired and not in the mood. I made a list of things I wanted to do over the next couple of days...and then proceeded to do nothing on the list (except for checking how much gas I have left in/for the lawn mower. Exactly half a tank--which will cover a quarter of the mowing.)
After I washed the dishes, I put some chicken on to soak--something Savannah has recently started doing. It helps take the impurities out of the meat. Then I pitched headlong into a job that has been staring at me for months--cleaning out my fishtank. I'm still running water through the Berky to fill it up. I watched Ironside with Granddaddy (I like that show), and during every commercial break, I'd get up and pour more water into the fishtank and add more water to the top of the Berky.
Savannah and I took sewing stuff and costumes over to our place across the creek and checked the place over. The electric bill shot mysteriously up so Daddy told us what to look for. I think I discovered the problem...the water trough out by the pump was merrily cascading water all over the place because the float valve had been pulled off the side and was flipped over. I put it back normal and the water immediately quit spewing out of the valve. I think the last time I was out to the pump was probably about two months ago when there were ants in the points, so anytime between then and now this could have happened--and with a pump running 24/7...well, that very well could be the reason for the extra charge.
We got home just in time for it to cloud up stormy like. I don't think it has actually started raining yet (sometimes one can't tell through sheer curtains across the room and with my headphones on I can't hear it unless it is really coming down), but I imagine it will very soon.
Thus, you see why it is a "Wet Wednesday"...