To further expand on a related topic, I progressed from page 4 to page 7 on my Cow Cavalry script. That entailed planning and/or putting together nine more AfterEffect compositions and putting seven interview clips into the timeline in PremierePro. I really have my head into this right now...which is a good thing. I'm making progress, which makes me quite happy. :) (Check out my 'offical blog' for some pictures.)
I took a break from editing for about two hours in the afternoon and helped Mama get the tomatoe cages out of the garden, pull stakes, and wind up the soaker hose. I only managed to break one of the stakes off in the ground. I also clobbered myself with another one; it cracked (but didn't completely break), but when it did so it whacked me on the scalp. I yelped quite nicely and checked my blood--nothing wrong here that a minute won't fix! I enjoyed the work, but was most definitely ready for something to eat by the time we were done.
Such was my "wild" Wednesday...a fairly good day all told. :)