Yesterday morning, on one of my routine morning trips downstairs (I believe it was the one where I bring my coffee cup down and return upstairs with the morning rations for the cats), I was told that "we" were going to bring in firewood that morning.
I suited up in jeans and a sweater along with a nice pair of socks that come up to my knees and when we (who ended up being myself and Katherine) went out to work, I tied my scarf over my ears and pulled on my nice wool jacket (which needs washing). After a few minutes, I came in, dashed upstairs and whipped my blue "English" cap off the rack and secured that in place with my scarf and returned to work.
Katherine was busy unburying and chipping about a rick's worth of wood from the west side of the old garage. It had fallen over and was thoroughly covered with snow and frozen together. She spent the majority of her time working on that.
I picked up the newly freed wood, which she was throwing into a confused heap under the lean-to, and loaded the back of the go-buggy. After getting it filled for the first time, I went to unload, but found that Mama was not ready yet as she was still clearing out the coal room. I betook myself down to the basement, stripped jacket, scarf and hat, shoved my sleeves up and went to work helping her. I dashed up-stair at one point to grab my modern version of sleeve garters (rubber bands) out of my apron pocket. That was a big help as I didn't have to keep shoving the sleeves of my (white) sweater up.
Once we got the coal room cleared out, I slapped my hat back on, tied my scarf under my chin, pulled on my jacket and charged back up the basement stairs to unload the go-buggy.
I think I got a second load of wood hauled up before the go-buggy decided to die on me. I'm not quite sure what went wrong, but Daddy seemed inclined to think that I had run the thing out of gas. Anyway, it didn't start up again until after we were done. (With fresh gasoline and a battery that had been hooked to the charger for a while.)
Thus it was that little stumpy legged Racheal ended up making multiple trips back and forth from in front of the old garage to the window into the basement pulling a little red wagon full wood--through the snow. I amused myself by imagining myself to be a Clydesdale horse. (I think Clydesdale's are beautiful...and yes, I am aware I'm a little odd.)
Katherine got done unburying the wood and helped haul the remainder of wood in--she used the dolly and hauled more in one trip than I could in the wagon.
We were both quite cold and hungry by the time we came in (sometime after noon) and I was fairly useless for the rest of the day. I am either really out of shape or I simply am not acclimated to cold.
The reason we had to get the wood in was the coming (as in of yesterday) snow storm. We got around another six inches of snow yesterday afternoon through this morning. The work felt good and I did have a few sore spots today--primarily my lower back. It actually was hurting something fierce for a few minutes this morning...I really need to go to the chiropractor.
Anyway, nothing very exciting other than that going on around here. :) (That is, unless you consider the fact that I made lunch today--and folk's portions were kind of short because you-know-who isn't so great making enough food. I was doing great with just me and Katie...)