Mama is processing chicken. I can't claim to have been of much help other than washing a few canning jars and getting a couple jars into the canner. I mean, if you're not counting the fact that I gutted all of the 106 chickens that were butchered last week.
Anyway, back to the dead-brain...I guess it's the killers. I've been so spotty on them recently that it seems every time I return to them (usual dosage), I crash. Big time. When the S's were here last week, I took my killers and ended up being more of a bump on a log than an engaging conversationalist. *Note to self: Next time you're off your killers...don't go back on them while company is here. Also...don't up the dosage when company is here. Probably have the same idiot problem. :p
In addition to the killers, we as a family have started a new, three month (at least) parasite cleanse. Ewww...gross...right? I don't know. The deal is that hopefully, the ridding of parasites will speed up the mold and Lyme destruction. I hope. I look forward to being better...........
Well, at least I know that the killers are still working for me...I can't talk straight.
Until next time...I'm glad you can't see all the misspelled, dyspraxic typos I've made in this very short post.