The day set aside for thanks, November the 28th, was a joyful day. My fair sisters and I went a little, how shall I say, nutty, with the portrait session that morning. The following are the results. (If there seems to be an overabundance of pictures of me--it's probably because I don't have my own camera and I have two sisters who were both taking pictures. That is also the same reason there is a sort of "bouncing" back to a previous "set" of pictures.)
Anyways, the food was grand--trukey, green beans, faux-taters (calliflower), olives, cranberry sauce, salad... :) Grandma made some oyster dressing (which I didn't eat for two reasons: 1) I can't have the bread and 2) I don't like oysters anyway) and some apple salad. I didn't eat any of that either because there was stuff in it I wasn't supposed to eat. Grandpa and Grandma had corn and sweet potatoes too. (I LOVE sweet potatoes, but they aren't a GAPS approved food. :( )

While they were gone and Savannah and Katherine went to feed chickens and take some wood to the basement to feed the furance, Grandpa and I had a little interview session. I got some good stories, I think. I really intended it to be a bit more "interview-ish" but some places it's more like a conversation. :) I haven't taken the footage off my camera yet.